zaterdag 18 mei 2024

Good morning at the 18th off May, 2024, 2.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's promising to become cloudy all day. 


Some people always acuse me off being jealouse, or onto something, or after their man, or simply a childish bitch. 

But honestly, I'm too normal, down to earth and too silly to be jealouse. Just silly old me is not noisy enough to be like most ladies. Or how a common woman is supposed to be. I don't do gossip, I'm not behind the elbows, I'm just very normal. Actually I'm not some sort off childish, jealouse witch. Maybe I'm a bit too plain for that. Usually I adapt to normal styles and a normal mentality. I rather be nice. And being real. 

Real people are to my personal preference. Over-acting is not me. Though I can be emotional and be a bit blunt in those emotions, especially when I was young I had that. But most off the time, I'm not to be messed with, but I'm silly enough to keep it sane, I think. Not some over-acting attention junk. 

People mis-judge me a lot. And I hate that. The real me doesn't actually display to those. How I feel inside is often overlooked. And I'm obese. They think I'm some sort off monster due to my weight. 

Actually I'm more down to earth than what most keep me for. I'm not an over-spending diva. Especially not in these murdurously expensive times. Maybe that will come back later, when everything is affordable again. I can't promise to stay sober, since I like shopping. But my sobriety can withstand a crisis. Not that I like it, but if it has to be done, I can do it. 

I'm more sane and normal than what some give me credit for, let's keep it at that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading 


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