zondag 12 mei 2024

Good evening at the 12th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's a warm and sunny day in the Netherlands. 


Today was for sharing home made cherry-strawberry quark tart, cherries from jar, and strawberry flavoured quark tart. 

It was delicious and I had a lot off gratefull eaters. The springform came back clean after one afternoon. It's always such gratefull work to bake for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, the Netherlands. 💖

I couldn't be home during Mother's day due to a medical cure. My tummy hurts and it's about to burst loose. It's a pill which has to generate my period, otherwise I don't have it by nature. Women are supposed to have a period every three times a year to maintain healthy. I don't, so I have to take a pill from the doctor for it. It's just that it's about to burst loose during a hot day. It's not favorable, but I have to cope with it today. It's been the reason to skip Mother's day. Since my hormones could have been causing a bad mood today. 

I have send my mother flowers, though. She was gratefull for it. I love my mom, not being there during Mother's day was hard for me. But I will try at Pentecost. 

For now I just have to sit this out. I hope the cure will work, and the bleeding will start today. 

Other than this, my day has been a bit boring. Except for visions and coffee with quark tart and being in all the time due to it being hot. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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