vrijdag 10 mei 2024

Good morning at the 10th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

I can't see the weather yet, it's dark outside at this moment in the Netherlands. 


I opt for a new job application, namely coffee service at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. I have done so before, and it's a volunteer job which gives me a lot off fullfillment. What's more gratefull work than to serve people fresh coffee on Monday mornings? 

They asked me, because they need people for it and know I'm suitable to do so. We have to agree on certain terms, so it's not round yet. But I have my eyes on the Monday morning, for the sake off it being honourable, and Wednesday afternoon. It's on volunteer base, it's no serious, well-paid job, but it's better than being on my ass all the time, and it's good for me. If I can set myself to it, all fresh and fruity, I'm going to love it and feel better about myself. Being the almost new coffee lady at de Boed feels nice. And it gives those old folks the impression off me being less lazy. They mention 'I have a lot off free time.' sometimes, and they're right. But I hadn't had a job ever since I quit Wednesday Soup making. But it's starting to roll. Sometimes things come to our path. And I'm simply willing to take this. 

I should make more work off myself when starting that job. Wearing nicer clothes and putting mascara on my lashes and red statement-lipstick on my mouth. Usually, the slob in me reigns worse than ever these days. Wearing cheap and comfortable clothes, and no make-up. But I could take it more professional when I have a job with service aspects again. Being freshly washed on forehand, being more serious with my looks. 

Like I said, for mentall patients, our looks matter less most off the time. I could be more thoughtfull about my clothes, to be honest. But getting a new job might be the right kind off pressure. 

It's 01.46 at midnight. I'm stressed. The world, the Ukraine war, the price tags- all got the best off me somehow. So here I am, wide awake. To sleep seems to become an issue again as this war deepens. And the price tags increase. It's traumatic. 

I should call night service, and ask for an 'if necessairy.' emergency pill. When I got that, I usually sleep fast. It's just that it's making drowsy all day, and I wish to do some grocery shopping tomorrow. But I have to take that pill, so I can sleep. Without sleep, there will not be grocery shopping either. So it's kinda hard. Tomorrow I'm wasted on it, but I have no choice. But for now, it's the best option to sleep. That's how it's better going to be. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       


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