woensdag 22 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 22th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cloudy but sweaty outside. 


I wish to share a cute crisis-idea with you. 

Simple tea biscuits in a cute cookie bin. I think it makes a cute decoration, or gift for holidays even, or simply an adjustment to your living room table, when prices are sky rockety high. I already had the bin in storage, I spend no money on it so far. It even makes a nice Christmas decoration, despite it being early on for Christmas this year. 

I know this is too plain and simple for 'The decadent normal.' But it's 2024, and we're at crisis. I'm not kidding, when I say cheap ass tea biscuits in a cute cookie bin. It's cheap, it's easy- it's not extravagant, it's appropriate, probably everything it needs to be. I'm going to serve these with my guest's tea or coffee, or for myself as an every now and then treat. 

Today I went to the nearby give away shop. I donated 5 euro's to them, (Which someone donated to me for baking.) and took three square plates with me. It's for that idea to bake square bundt cake, one day in the future, and put it on a square serving plate. I think I did well with that money, and I had something cool in return. Other than that, the day went by a bit boring. But it was a productive day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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