woensdag 29 mei 2024

Good evening at the 29th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning was rainy, but right now we've got sunshine. 


Tonight I felt energy to cook, and it should make it to the headlines. I prepared boiled string beans, (Boiled in vegetable broth) boiled potatoes, and marinaded bacon. 

I have left for tomorrow, and I ended it with vanilla vla. (The cheapest I could find.) String beans and bacon was on a discount this week at the local supermarket, and it's sided with tap water. It's not much, but bringing the bacon to taste was a good idea. I'm glad I found the energy somewhere, though the kitchen is still such a mess. I'm glad I don't have more mouth to feed. But it's enough for today and tomorrow. 

And my nails could pass as 'green statement.' The way they are. I got complimented on them throughout the day. It's not the end off the world for nails to be green- feiry like, so to say. I should relativate. Not over-act on fashion, or what you should wear or not. I already stress enough. And my mental nurse says it's 'Best not to make trouble where it's not there.' 'Don't make trouble which isn't there.' 'Geen problemen maken die er niet zijn!' Among those lines. It's fine to look cool. And it was matching my dark green longsleeve. So it wasn't so bad. I'm forgiving myself, my nerves would do hard otherwise. My nerves are already doing hard. Though I regret the idea off 'To let your inner fairy.' A bit. It's maybe a bit too much for now. I slept on it, and maybe it's a bit stupid to let her out in public for now. 'Let your inner fairy out.' And start to sparkle... there's just no space for it so I sense. So I believe. 

 Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Edit: I did the dishes, now my kitchencounter top is tidy. Though the rest off the home is still a mess. 

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