maandag 27 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 27th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's changing and somewhat warm, and merely cloudy. 


I think the new cabinet, ruled by Wilders, should solve issues first in the Netherlands, before focusing on peace in Ukraine. Solve the housing crisis, then inflation, then assylum seekers, and then on behave it can become peace in Ukraine, but they should not make it the main source off why it can't be solved. Just like the Nitrogen in structure. 

This country should be strong enough to hold it's own pants and solve issues without depending on world problems too much. Solve! Solve! They're about to skip on nitrogen rules, so let them build homes for everyone FIRST thing. It's why assylum seekers are blamed for everything, because they have such a priority to the frustrated others. People are downright frustrated about there being no homes. It's THE main issue in this country, and it's the main issue that has to be solved by the crisis cabinet, peace in Ukraine should be capable to fall on behave, but solving issues should be able even without there ever to be peace in Ukraine again. We are supposed to be that strong off a nation. Not this big fat mess. I wish to see a cabinet which actually does solve the issues. Not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk. That's how strong the Netherlands is supposed to be, and how it was somewhere in a land before time. That's why people voted PVV massively. (I have to see first if they are capable to solve it to begin with, I don't trust them. But most ordinairy people think high off them.) 

Solve the mess! Solve! And don't let it await for another four years! Wilders shows through authority which they missed the previous years. But now we have to see. And we HAVE to see and let it be truly solved. A country which we can depend on, even without peace in Ukraine, at all. That's how strong it should be. Even if it means financial losses. The government should owe up for it, but then at least the home crisis is truly solved and people can live and make future plans again. This is going nowhere and drives us to even more despair. Finances don't go before people. If they want to do something, let them do that. And point two should be that inflation. But I have to think it out first. Companies are SO selfish and profit focused, If we wish to make the market fair, it's when we can solve the crisis, we have to wage a war with them. Mindset? Ego? Wolves? I don't know. It's just that the government doesn't behold on them so we can't decide what they do. But companies who don't focus on monster war profit, but on taming down mundial inflation, are barely there. If at all. Profit marges on the index fair have never been so high, and they can easily keep the prices more acceptable. But they don't do so. AEX, Wallstreet, Dow Jones, have never looked better. But they don't share anything off it with the common people. They could easily oppress mass inflation. It's just that they are monstrously greedy. The government should have more to say about it. We can't demand anything from those heartless companies. I don't know if it's the key to solving, but it should be done even without there ever being a chance off peace in Ukraine again. In the days off Theodore Roosevelt, when companies still had to listen to the government, this would have been much easier. 

And THEN the assylum seekers. Own peole first, they're national socialists, let them live up to that ideal. (Allright, that's enough joked about it.) Something should be done about it, and even I agree 'full is full.' But we should not cut them down in their rights and we should send them back to safe countries where they are welcome, since it's not capable here. No point off discusion, it simply can't since it's too full. It may come off rude, but it's the truth off the day. We are a too full country. It's nasty to have escaped war and oppression, but this country is too small for all off them. I'm not racist, or against human rights, but even I can tell we're full. It's too crowded in assylum centres, and they should not opt for detention. So Yes, we should send them to countries where there is space for them. Where they are welcome, and where they can live. Since this is horrendous for everyone. SO yes, a strict immigration policy for the Netherlands. Full is full. And I can't deny that, wrong as it sounds. 

These three headlines are the main struggle off the people nowadays. If they can solve it, they can solve the Netherlands. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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