dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Good morning at the 14th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's bright this morning. 


This morning, my period broke through 💖 The cure let itself wait to work, but finally I bleed and it's a relief. I don't know if there are any bible or other religious dwellers on here who say I should await it by nature, that I'm disrupting with god, but it's a blessing to me it comes with pills. 💖 It's perfect. 

I have to go to the dentist this morning, I expect no trouble. I brush regulairly (Morning and evening) and I have no pain. I have this bulk load off A-brand toothpaste and toothbrushes in the storage room. I can do with it for a while, so even during this crisis, my teeth are brushed. 

And I clipped and filed my nails tidy. Most people wear no polish nowadays, but I think to keep your nails neat is a good thing. So just short clipped and filed. I think that's how most people (Male and female) do it during this crisis. It's no time for expensive manicures like we saw before on most women. But tidy? Yes, sir! I can do it. 

This afternoon will be for my first coffee serving shift. I will replace a sick woman who can't do it this afternoon. It's a bit trying and seeing how it works with me again. It's a bit getting used to it after such a long time off not doing it.  

I'm a bit fed up with my 'British Home Maker during WWII' idea. It's a bit hard for me to keep the home tidy at the moment. I think it's my mental issues and my period being in the way. And baking? Not as regulair anymore as usuall. We got to do with what we have at the  moment. And sometimes it isn't more than this. It's all I've got. But it's no big issue. I can still live and I have a home. That's most important. I think the issues with it being clean will be solved later on. But for now it's just surviving my mental state off being. I'm no saint. I haven't studied for angel. I'm just human so it seems, I got to do with what I got at the moment. I'm lucky I don't shoot myself too much for it. Tidy again is off later concern. I'm lucky not to have a man who can get annoyed by it. It's just me who has to deal with it. 

I'm here in the living room with a pot off tea in front off me. During my periods, I always crave green tea. It's the best we can drink in my opinion. I'm lucky to still have it. It's so healthy! 

This is most news for this morning, I'm about to remove my bedsheets and put them in the laundry, and a care taker will make it this afternoon. So my bed will be fresh and clean this morning. And the old sheets will be washed. 💖 That's the biggest luxury off today. A clean bed. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading   


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