zondag 19 mei 2024

Good morning at the 19th off May, 2024, 2.

 Good morning everyone, 

The weather looks promising untill later on the day. It's going to be  perfect 'Just sit outside and have coffee on the terrace or at the backyard.' day, if you have acces to a backyard. Otherwise I can recomend the park or a bench outside. It's healthy for the Dutch to soak up some sunshine today.  


Best selling brands these days are house brands and B-brands, simply because they're cheap. Most big players on the market are not even sold to the common people. It's not in their budget. They will find a way not to go bankrupt, but the small boys make the big money these days. 

It's 6:11 in the morning, and I'm awake again. In my mom's living room with coffee. My period has ended. It was short, and it was little. But that's General Practice's concern. 

Cookies are not even baked anymore, it's just sand cookies people bake with their kids. Otherwise it's too expensive to even think off hobbyist cookie baking. 

I personally think off getting myself into French pastry making after this. French pastry is a delicate art on it's own when it comes to baking. I would like to learn flavours and techniques when the crisis is finally over and we can afford all off that again. Tarte au citron, Tarte au chocolate, Madeleines, almond cookies, Macrons, Tarte with pistachio and raspberries, and Franginpanne. It's such a honour to be capable to bake these. It's just that I can't afford them these days. It's flour, for example, if you really want to prepare a good French tartshell, is grounded and toasted almonds. Perfect home made Almond flour. But tell that to the Almonds, they're waaaaay too expensive these days. It's a baking ambition I have to improve myself in that field. I personally would like to adapt to a pistachio flavour in a Tarte, but that's my personal idea off something yummy. But it's just that I can't afford that for now. Maybe when I'm a nice old lady, tamed down in temper and all friendly to the world, I can go to the market for ingredients again and give it a try. It's a bit off practice I think. 

Just like good bread making, it's a baking art. Maybe these years, during the very crisis, I think I might get myself into baking fresh bread. It's a baking technique which requires money for whole wheats and grains if you want to prepare whole grain bread, or if you want to prepare white bread, just ordinairy flour. But that's not wholesome enough. I have to see how much they ask for wholesome grains for it. Otherwise it's just supermarket bread for me again. If baking bread would make it more affordable, I would do it. That's with it, actually. I just changed to cheap bread these days. Some people swear by home made bread, it's just that it's not common in the Netherlands. Supermarket bread here is off good quality and often cheap. People simply don't see the use to it. Though it has been a small food trend some time ago to bake it. Would I try or not try depends on prices. It's not necessairily an ambition to become good at it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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