woensdag 15 mei 2024

Good evening at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Tonight it's raining cats and dogs in the Netherlands. 


Something about me... 

Since this is de Zaanstreek, and women are ratchet and poor factory worker women, make-up here means just mascara and lipstick if you can afford. I learned to adapt to it. It's not much at all, but they think it's much. It's the current trend in real life. Little amounts off make-up. But why do we talk make-up? 

Maybe those decadent fantasy event dinosaurs still plaster their pimples with too much make-up. I think something went a bit crooked for me arount the time that began. Make-up is not the key to real beauty. At least to me it isn't. I'm content with natural and groomed to basic tidy on a very low level. I love Zaanstad for having that perfectly normal for most. Most women here don't wear make-up. Down to earth as they are, it often shows a pure heart and I found that sooo beautifull. And I have this Buddhistic proverb: 'No amount off make-up can mask an ugly heart.' My make-up on a daily base went off after school, it felt like a relief and I don't like the feeling off foundation anyway. I think people project a lot off negativity on me when they blame me for that massive make-up trend in the Fantasy world. (Sincerely, they NEVER see me or talk to me.) I have a diffrent opinion on most things than they assume. It's more close to true Pagan most off the time. At least what it was in my youth. 

This is how I go by in daily life. I know I got fashion hair, shoulder length 90's cut that's totally 'It' nowadays, and dyed a cool blonde shade. But I wear comfortable glasses and no make-up. For my hair I have the luck Leviaan has a hairdresser who can cut people like this for 7,50 euro's only. It's such statement hair. 

I dyed this evening, so it looks freshly cool blonde. And I try, yes, I try to pluck my eyebrows. But I can't promise since it's a mental patient thing to be a bit ungroomed. (I prefer them naturally plucked to just tidy) But this is me. It's the first picture on here I show off myself. Taken tonight after dying. Just the way I am. I have the luck I get away with everything nowadays. The eyebrows, the easy statement hair, no make-up- The plain clothes I have been wearing a lot, it's all crisis-fashion. This picture shows my plain white Pyjama shirt. And I'm wearing it with tartaned red Christmas pyjama pants which are three years old. I look shabby and vulgair, but that's these days and it's cheap. But I got away with it due to it being crisis-fashion. Mind my glasses, they're from 2020 and they're about 4 years old. As far as that goes, the audience better be glad I got cut, dyed and brushed my teeth and take it or leave it. This is just me these days. And I still love myself and accept myself for all that I am, and for who I am. I'm not a bad person due to crisis fashion. 

It's not a miracle for me not to have a man, though. I can think off prettier styles. But I want this style these years. Men are not my main concern these days. Really, aside from being as poor as the streetbricks, we also look as cheap as the streetbricks during this era. But I can't think off myself as bad with it. 

And from the point where I came from, depression over my looks and being ungroomed, this is an improvement. Sad as it may sound. But as long as I maintain. If I don't maintain, it's useless. I think this weblog is getting a bit boring at this point, so I end it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     




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