zondag 12 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 12th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's bright and too hot for me in the Netherlands. My skin doesn't like this type off weather, I'm pretty fair skinned and I burn too easily. I'm inside behind my fan. 


I kinda saw 2026 still being war and poverty, and I also have the idea that is because Trump won the American elections. If he wins, which I saw happening, war will be untill 2028, with Biden it could have been 2026. But let's calculate Trump in, since this is a 'worse case scenario coming out.' - time. 

Pants with clearly visible those back flaps and huge buttons on their ass will become fashion. Those ratchet pants you see in films when they want to point out poor American characters. I don't know the term for them. But it will make it to Hollywood. On red carpets, even. 

People will try to repair and fix stuff instead off throwing away and purchasing new items. With a 'We don't let ourselves being made crazy.' mentality. Thinking they can fix. It's dangerous, and the potential off the world to improve is on it's ass. I think that's a bad thing. Big improvements won't be made during that era. Just war. 

There will be a HUGE vanilla baking trend. fancy cupcakes and bakings, but just with Vanilla flavour, since everything else is impossibly expensive. But bakers don't want their skills to get rusty, so they do an attempt with just vanilla. 

Parents with mental disorders and who are very poor should be aware off the authorities. Inflation has it, they might take away your child more easily due to massive poverty. (Pagan parents, beware. Especially since authorities might think you're too unruly for your childs well-being) It's going to be kinda strict. 

Trump doesn't has the guts to show up in Europe often, since he will let Ukraine fall in millitairy support. He will make himself damn right impopulair among us. And he knows, claiming he has other priorities. 

It's going to be nasty. 

Hoping to have you informed- 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading.    


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