zaterdag 11 mei 2024

Good evening at the 11th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It was a nice and sunny day in the Netherlands. 


I would like to do another attemps to predict the close future. 

The Ukraine war ends in 2028, and we lose it. It will be a long and hard battle even with Western European countries having to save out on energy by shutting down high way lights and train traffic, and not being capable to owe up for their bills anymore. Shutting down the lights at public tourist attractions like the Brandenburger Tor and Arc de Triomphe I can see a future where the lights off the common folks have to be out after 21.00 PM in winter, due to worse sanctions from Russia. It will be traumatic and dramatic. 

Cetan will be coming to be exploded around 2026 in an agricultural field in Ukraine. Cetan is Russia's most dangerous nucleair bomb. And we are going to lose the war to them, it will go down in history as the first war the United States and the West could not win.   

The inflation in the Netherlands will increase up to 21%, throughout this very year. It will be murdurous, the government even letting people litterally die due to lack off money. Beware, the inflation will increase, after this year it's most dramatic. The crisis will last untill 2032. We will be poorer than the streetbricks. And after 2024, most luxury is as good as impossible for most. It's or it's becoming too expensive for up to 70% off the Netherlands. 

It doesn't hang to planetairy transits. Forget about Saturn, Pluto and Uranus transiting. It's almost concrete solid to those years according to what I've seen. 

Infrastructure won't be improved in the short term. 

There won't be much homes for the homeless kids soon. That might last untill the 2030's and after. 

There will be a red lipstick for the top-selling lipstick off this era, it's a bright red with a rounded tip in a black tube, selling for only 7 euro's or dollars. I haven't seen it so far. 

Angie by The Rolling Stones will make it as a number one hit in the  modern top hit lists. Believe it or not, out off protest from the youth it will be the top hit off this decade. Music producers can forget about their billion dollar profit, it's free off rights after all those years. It will be Angie untill it comes out off our noses.  

Fashion is going to stay old fashioned and cheap. Mainly 80's and 90's music, red lipstick and vintage eyeliner, second hand items, Essence top-selling make-up, and minimum make-up. We simply won't be capable to owe more than this. 

It's going to be a massive disaster for companies and people. It's going to be an incredible trauma for most. 

We will be passed by India economically seen. And sometimes I hear 'The Euro will devaluate.' 

Don't make yourselves any illusions when it comes to money, possibilities or possesions. It's going to be worse than anything that has happened ever since WWII. We won't be bombed, we will just be as poor as the rats. And the government will let us litterally choke in it. 

Hoping to have you informed - 

Allright, that's about it for now, - 

Thank you for reading 

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