zondag 12 mei 2024

Good evening at the 12th off May, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

The weather was so nice, yet too hot for me today. 


I would like to post a disclaimer if my foresights don't become true. I might get in huge trouble if they don't, and I have always seen them like this. 

Let's say it's a worst case scenario what can happen if it escalates and goes extremely wrong from now on. It's just how it's shown to me. Terrible, painfull, and a lot off loss for the West. 

I think I have a problem if it doesn't come true, but that would be for the good. We're off much better if they come up with a soft solution for the war. It's going to be too much to handle if it doesn't come true, I will laugh myself into devastation probably, and never get over with it. But it will be for the better if they solve it appropriately and even the possibility off Barbie Gothic will be solved. And a crazy old Charlatan? I'd sign for it, if it means world peace. 

It's a worst case scenario, and the world should either solve the war, or prepare for more trouble. 

Hoping to have you informed- 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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