woensdag 15 mei 2024

Good morning at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's about getting day, I haven't seen the weather yet. 


I have an issue with my statement cake. I prepared it quite traditionally, while de Boed wishes to see a more healthy version, all off a sudden. Usually they don't mind, but nowadays they changed the rules and I'm supposed to bake something more healthy. They haven't found out yet, I promised to prepare it very healthy. But it came down to the original banana cake receipe, which requires, hmm, quite some light brown sugar. I could lie about it and tell I used dates, as promised. 

I think it's so ungratefull for them to refuse my baking at this point. It would enhance moods, and make everyone feel waaaaay less cranky on Thursday when they got served this. de Boed's ambience is really below freezing point at this moment. We had an annoying interrim manager who made a few very harsh decisions which where against almost all off our feelings and personal ideas off how it should be. He also hired some bitchy staff who plays the rules quite strict. It's against all off our feelings and most off us are offended and overruled by how it goes now. The clients are not happy with how he has done it. 

Banana cake could save the day tomorrow. For a while. But there's something more chroncally wrong at de Boed. And I think they should not be too strict on it. (My banana cake.) In my banana cake belongs sugar, just like there's pigs meat in some sausages. It can't do without, it's just how I'm used to baking it, and how it's made for now. Really, those tuts at de Boed are to shoot at for being this annoying with their new rules. Often I try to avoid more. I don't know if how they do it good for my mental health, or anyone else's mental health. It's below freezing point, and I know most are very annoyed by it. I believe we can use some good ol' banana cake to make us feel a bit better. And my banana cake isn't that unhealthy, it has mashed bananas instead off butter, and contains coconut, walnuts and cookiespices.  It's how it's always done, and I spend a lot off money on it for them. They'd better be gratefull I still stick my head out for them at all. Given how it's been going. I got fed up with de Boed, to be honest. And to throw my artwork away is beyond a certain line. I hate how it's going, and it works to my frustration and anger either how they have done it. But to listen? Uhuh, no. They weren't open for our comments on it. It's a downright scandal and it has been too harsh. 

I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with my banana cake. I posted it all over Social Media so everyone could see it. Not a statement against de Boed, but showing off my cake. I know staff will be hated on even more when they reject my cake, and it's not good for how we feel with them. I think I better lie a bit about it and see how that works out, but for my consious, I better keep it at that banana cake and quit baking for a while if their rules are that annoyingly strict, and their service is to cry over so bad these days. It would feel better. I think they don't deserve me baking for them if they play it like this. It's a dictator hole at the moment, and the clients are victims to it. It's terribly off, and I wish they never hired that stupid ass interrim manager. And most agree with that. It's a situation that causes me stress and a nasty feeling. It's an ambience from a prison or the army at the moment. It's what they call health care in here at this moment. It's a shame. They should take WAY more count off our feelings. But usually they work out strict, annoying rules we feel unconfortable and hurt with. I decided to avoid de Boed more. I can't solve it. But for now I just hope they accept the banana cake and don't whine about it. It's so downright ungratefull for that nasty hellhole to reject it. Poisonous clouds off upmoving venom come out off that place. It's too much for a statement cake. But I baked one. So what to do now? 

I wish for a finished serving plate, and gratefull eaters and a gratefull walnut donatress like usuall. (I got the walnuts for this one donated.) And I think I will quit baking for a long time after this. It's simply too much. The prices, the ambience, the annoying staff, the pernickle interrim manager, annoying fellow clients, and so on. It's not worthit anymore for me. I just hope something will break through today and I can share that cake, for the last time for a long time. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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