woensdag 1 mei 2024

Good evening at the 1st off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was warm and sunny in the Netherlands for a day in May. 


Today, my hobby went a direction with my creativity. I had yoghurt and time on hands, and though I promised not to do so, I baked. I prepared a natural quark cake from package in a Nordic Ware loaf pan. 

In the 75th anniversary loaf pan, that one I got on a discount with points, some time ago before the Ukraine war. My creativity went on with it, and it came out perfectly. Though it's plain quark cake without raisins or other adjustments. They had the luck I had 200 grams off plain yoghurt left, and some fresh eggs. And offcourse, that Nordic Ware loaf pan, ordinairy mortals are not likely to purchase during this crisis. It's darn expensive. 

It's a bit against my principles, but I haven't kept to them today. It's just that my creativity got me, and wanted that loaf pan, on that pretty cake plate. It's perfect for Beltaine tomorrow. Sometimes it calls to be celebrated. Though I haven't prepared an altair for it, it's just that it sometimes creeps up in me and it wants to be celebrated somehow. I think this is done with left overs and it's nothing too fancy, it's all been skills and just 'what I had on the shelves.' But there, a small gesture to the fairies and the gods tomorrow. (As if they haven't made me do it.😉) Like I said, like previous year, Beltaine wants to be celebrated. And this year, it's a bit small and humble, but it feels as if it's somehow there. It's perfect for this crisis. It did not demand too much, but it's beautifull this way. Though my lack off attempts this year, in my heart I'm still a pagan. And I can feel when this is asked by the gods. So, a small sacrifice for tomorrow. 

I'm not going to explain this to my fellow clients. I just hope they enjoy their cake. They don't know the concept off modern pagan, let alone witch. (In this conservative town, it's still feared.) But I keep a good attitude towards them, so they know I'm a good and giving person. And sometimes I make small remarks and jokes. But I know and feel I better keep it to myself to them. 

In beautifull, old fashioned Zaandijk, surrounded by green buildings and flowers, Beltaine asks to be celebrated in all modesty, in the sweetest way possible. So with a nice home made cake. And that's how I answer 'the call.' that's within me this year. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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