dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Good evening at the 14th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and warm in the Netherlands. 


Today was for Statement Baking. My beloved and famous receipe for Banana cake, prepared in the Heritage Bundt mold by Nordic Ware, the ordinairy size: 

It came out perfect tonight. It will be handed to de Boed on Thursday for music afternoon. I'm so proud I came round with the groceries for this. It's been a massive amount, but I could do it. Just perfect how it turned out! It's ment as a statement for peace, against war in Ukraine. I think the Nordic Ware Heritage Bundt is perfect for that statement. It's just dusted with icing sugar. 

And I found The Very Best off The Dubliners for less than 8 euro's. It's perfect music for tonight. My home is filled with cheer. Irish pub folk, the best off the best, and it's perfect for tonight. It's sooo good, it's almost too good. I can't help but thinking that. 

Perfect Banana cake, and perfect music. I don't know, somehow, somewhere, the life off an old spinster is still good. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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