woensdag 22 mei 2024

Good evening at the 22th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cloudy and sweaty outside. 


I got another crisis idea for you, 

Simply to drink water instead off soft drinks or juices. 

This is one off my glasses filled with Dutch tap water. Tap water in the Netherlands is crystal clear, and perfect to drink. It doesn't cost extra money to drink it, and you can save out a lot off money on soft drinks and juices. I already do it. It's my main go-to drink when I want a refreshment. Learn to appreciate water, and save money.  I don't know if this is going to be a hard one on you, a lot off people swear by other drinks. To me, water came easily and it has been done easily. It might be a set off to you, addicted to expensive drinks. But I would say you can give it a try. It's for free and save, so please take my advice. 😉To drink a lot off clear water is even healthy for you, so it doesn't do bad. 

I have inspiration for a lot off crisis tips. Take this from someone who has always been poor in her youth, but who used creativity to overcome. Sometimes I think them out here and now, and sometimes I also have good food ideas for this crisis. Still it takes to have an own home, and to own stuff. It's not like it takes nothing at all to follow these tips. It takes a few basic things, like kitchen items and kitchenware or things from give away shops to follow these advices. And I would not be ungratefull when someone donates items to you, for example. The placemat on this picture was donated to me a few years ago by mom. It takes soberness, and the will to live despite poverty. That's probably where it comes from. 

These pretty black bowls I found on a give away table a few years ago, and my cuttlery comes from mom and dad. She donated me it when replacing hers. During a crisis, it's a good idea not to spit down on second hand items. This is still an old factory town and we haven't won the lottery. I don't know if people are willing to take my advice to overcome poverty and crisis. But maybe it's a bit helpfull. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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