vrijdag 24 mei 2024

Good evening at the 24th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cloudy and acceptable today. 


I do hard with it myself, I'm stressing over it, but this crisis and war won't take forever, and the world will not be destroyed by it. It's terrible to mention we're stuck with poverty for over 10 years, but it's NOT forever. But we'll probably be a bit older when it ends. 

Crisis tip: Let the music in your cozy home be very good! No matter what that means to you, but crisis and bad emotions are more bearable with a cozy home, and very good music. It's favorable to let it be old hits nowadays, and I agree with it. I love it, but that's due to my parents also listening to it back at home. And modern music is bad. I like the classics being edgy nowadays. And young people swearing by it. It should not take too long, since it doesn't do good for the improvement off this world, but it's crisis and there's no money to develop better and more than we already have. (That's what I think when I see them liking old stuff or putting it in fashion again.) 

But back to point: Let the music you play be very good. It even helps psychiatric patients cope with things. it's a NEED! Like breathing or washing or water, even. Human beings NEED music, especially during these hard days. It's been my hold on to back at home either. It's what I said to myself when this began: 'As long as the home is cozy our style, and the music is good, I can make it through.' 

And another tip, comfortable sleepwear doesn't has to cost much. Zeeman, ACTION, The bargain bin to the local supermarket- all acceptable, and it doesn't matter if it's not fancy these days. If it sleeps well, it sleeps well. Counts also for night wear. Just a plain shirt and pyjama pants are good enough. I'm just like a man when it comes to that. It doesn't matter much nowadays to me. It doesn't has to cost a billion dollar or euro's to sleep well. Cheap feels like heaven just as good. And in my case, a Teddy Bear. I'm a single woman in her 30's. I own a few stuffed animals displayed on top off a case, but I also got a nice Teddy Bear siding me in bed. I got it from mom as a present a few years ago. I think it doesn't matter who we are, or how old we are- a bear stuffed animal these days can be such a comfort. A cute plush bear or other animal is a good idea for comfort. And like everything: It can be as expensive or cheap as you make it. 

But given it's war time, and they are messing with the energy, make sure you have a few good blankets on hand. For winter, for cold, for when they shut down the energy entirely, make sure you can be warm and invest in blankets. As warm as you can imagine. Warm Pyjama's, vests or sweaters for in bed, socks for in bed- it's something to take for granted for ice cold winters when there's no money or there's no energy at all available. 

I personally don't mind if it's not charming, I have the habit off sleeping with goat wool socks and knit Norwegian sweaters in bed when it's ice cold winter. Warm is warm. Though my items look cute in a geeky way, but it's my personal liking. Really, it's almost Murphy's law when they shut down the energy and there will be blizzards coming our way. (It's not a prediction, it's just a 'Ya know, how those things always go.' Kinda wisdom.)  It's kinda early on, and it may sound a bit like a nagging old lady, but maybe it's something to take for granted before it's too late. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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