zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 25th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today the weather was cloudy and changing. 


I'm going to do something strange: I'm going to congratulate Mark van der Stelt on his new marriage, and I'm honest. It's granted, man, congratulations. 

While Natasha gave me the impression off a venomous snake with the standards off Peggy Bundy from Married with Children with a cold heart I simply hated, this one seems much nicer. After all, Mark is not in love with me, but it doesn't matter. I'm fan off everything that bans the poisonous snakes. I was in SUCH a catfight with Natasha. But his new wife seems nice. 

I just think I can't stand being at Vana Events anymore after so much pain I went through. It has hurt a lot. And I can't stand looking at Mark's facebook for too long, but it's good for people to have so much public information posted on the internet. At least I'm informed. And I'm a good sport, So congrats! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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