vrijdag 17 mei 2024

Good morning at the 17th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's cloudy and it's forecasted to go to rain all day. 


This Pentecost weekend, I will go to my parental home and spend the weekend with mom. I think I'm going to love it, since I haven't been there for a while. 

My lying about the banana cake worked, yesterday people loved it, and care takers fell for the lie. It's not my habit to lie, so I said I'm not about to bake for a while for them, and I gave up the prices as a reason. Actually that's true, since it's a god's grant from me to bake for them these days with these murdurous prices, but actually I think they take it way too strict with the rules for my baking these days. And they're not very nice in my opinion, so it's done for now. I think I'm not going to regret this for a while. 

I'm not completely done baking, I will prepare my own birthday cake this year, but that's for something private and care takers have nothing to do with that. But it will be for August, and it's a while away. And I will prepare my own birthday treats for them. But it won't be tomorrow for that to take place. So I think I get away with it. 

It feels wrong to have lied, but it's been the only reason for the cake to have been allowed. Otherwise we could forget about it. But my concious is playing up for it. Usually I believe in honesty, but this just had to go this way. I just hope they don't read my weblog. 

And I signed up an old wooden coat rack for bulky waste this morning. It's been wasting around in my bedroom for a while. It's about time for it to be thrown out. I filled in the web form at the government website, and it will be done at the 7th off June.  

Beside to all off this, I finished collecting the cooking bible series: 

I got all 33 books complete for now, due to vacation money from Leviaan. I think I can be proud off myself for to have collected all off these. Though it wasn't easy and it had to be delayed this year due to money. But I'm fullfilling this. (These are very good cookbooks with a certain kind off status in the Netherlands. And they're quite expensive.) It's kinda something to have the entire series complete at this point. But I think I can be proud at myself for it. Everyone their own hobby, and I don't smoke, drink expensive booze or have kids. So I can afford this. Each to their own. And this is what I like. 

Collecting cookbooks is cool. This is the only series I collect at this moment. All the others I have ditched due to the crisis, but I started this before the crisis, so I want to finish it, despite everything. Everyone needs something they're a bit nuts over in their life. I got this and Nordic Ware. Other than that I don't have hobbies or strange collections. And I don't go out or to fun places most off the time. Life would be too dry without these. I can't wait to make use off these. And prepare perfect dishes. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 




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