zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 25th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is somewhat warm, changing clouds and raining every now and then. 


Today is for taking it easy with dinner, I'm opting for a supermarket meal salad, purchased prepared. I'm not doing so well this evening. This entire weekend ever since Friday, and I can't explain. I did prepare a raisin quark cake with a squeeze off honey, though. 

It's from package, not from scrarch, but tomorrow we'll have something nice with our afternoon coffee. It's not much, but it's what I could do for them. I dusted it with icing sugar, and I found the cake mold among baking items I forgot I owned, just a plain cake mold, I believe I once got it from someone (A neighbour?) as a small gift. I wanted to try it, and try honey adjusted to this cake receipe. 

It's not a crisis tip, the ingredients can be seen as pricey. Though a package off quark cake is cheap in my opinion, and quark or yoghurt and eggs (The only two other ingredients for this package) are something people can have left from time to time, so it lends itself for nice baking every often. And this doesn't contain 500 grams off raisins, but raisins and honey aren't cheap either. So it's not a crisis tip. You can merely see it as 'just a common tip.' Or maybe for 'when the crisis is over.' - tip, though I believe we have to await that for some time. But this cake is perfect comfort with a cup off coffee tomorrow. 

I cleaned my kitchen afterwards. It's strange how I could do this. But meal preparation is off for the entire weekend, and tomorrow will be for pre-packed ready to stir-fry freezer pasta. Ready meals that are not cheap, but which are SO incredibly easy, it's great for a mental patient with turbulence. Aviko or Iglo brand meals. Not bad in taste, and somewhat healthy even. Yesterday was for freezer pizza. I simply don't feel well enough to cook. Sometimes I have to deal with myself, and accept I'm a mental patient with too much turbulence in her mind to be a star in the kitchen every day. See, this world and my head are bad and complicated enough without war and crisis. So, meal salad with a left over quark and a squeeze off honey in it for dessert. Despite all off it, I try to be healthy. My head hurts and itches. And I think I'm about to die all the time. I don't want to die, I enjoy life, but I can't help it. Inside it hurts a lot and it's hard. I'm a bit off inside with it. 

That's my day for today. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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