donderdag 9 mei 2024

Good morning at the 9th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is a mild and sunny spring day in the Netherlands. It's beautifull and not too hot. Perfect!


I have a good idea for crisis Ascencion day, Mother's day, Pentecost or when someone has their birthday soon: 

Ordinairy zuchinni soup. It's cheap, it's tasty, it's perfect as a prelude for dinner if you wish for a sober way for a small celebration. 

This is my recent version off it. If you make it simple, and put it in an elegant bowl (Which doesn't has to cost much) It's perfect for a spring celebration. My easy receipe? 

5 cloves off garlic 
A splash off preferably olive oil 
5 medium onions
1 medium to large potato 
4 zuchinnis 
4 cubes off beef broth, from cube
1 cube off vegetable broth from cube
2 litres off water. 
Salt and grinded pepper to taste (1 teaspoon off salt, but that's how I like it)

1. Clean and cut your vegetables and press the garlic through a garlic press, fry with salt and pepper in a good soup pot. Fry untill done. It's preferable to already fry the potato with. 
2. Adjust water and broth cubes, let simmer for half an hour 
3. Puree the soup, taste if it's good. Adjust things to your personal liking if it's needed. But in my opinion, this soup doesn't need much. 

4. It's done! Serve with french bread, or as a prelude for dinner. Preferably in a nice soup bowl if it's something festive. 
It's optional to adjust fried ham or bacon cubes. But it can do without. 

It's a small suggestion for an every day celebration during crisis. Given Zuchinnis are cheap. It's not necessairy healthy given all the salt I put in, and it's not vegan, but it's an easy and cheap almost classic. 

I hope you have something to it! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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