woensdag 15 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cloudy and off nice temperature in the Netherlands. Around 19 degrees celsius, not too hot not too cold for my liking. 


I have visions about either 2028 or 2026 for the end off the Ukraine war, it's unclear again. It's either one off these years. It's not in the very short term, but this war and situation will not be endless. I have seen the crisis last untill 2032. Companies, people and countries might take a while to recover from these years. It's a trauma for a lifetime, and somehow I see for now it's unclear wheter we are going to fight in Ukraine as a NATO or not. It's not preferable for this war to last untill Saturn and Neptune have transited to Aries, but like I said, somehow I believe this war can't be pinpointed to planetairy transits. 

I may sound a bit vague to you. I see a lot off scenario's for a world at peace after 2026, while I also got 2028 clear in my mind. It's vague. Maybe there will be an agreement in 2026, which might be violated later on. I don't know for sure. But then it will end in 2028. It's theories, it's not clear visions that tell me. 

I don't want to sound vague. The world is full with charlatans. But I can't be more clear than this. We have to grid our teeth for some time these years. I hope you can take it. 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading.    

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