vrijdag 24 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 24th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloucy yet warm swamp weather. 


I have read future history books which keep on reporting the Russia-Ukraine war ended in 2028. And Cetan will fall at 07-06-2027, somewhere in a Ukraine meadow. 

I think it's good to take count off such a long take for the war, and prepare yourselves for it. It's not safe for people to think otherwise. 2026 is a trap! And beware, some might think 2026 it will truly end. But that's prognosis. 

It will be 4 more years off war for The World, and I keep on seeing Trump winning the American elections all the time. We'll be off desperate afterwards. And for poor people, it can take even longer to get up again. Since the crisis will end in 2032. But we can keep on having trouble with it untill 35 or 36 even. 

It's difficult to pinpoint on the end and certain dates. But nuclear bombs will fall, and it will all be blown up in the end, and we have a big chance off losing this war and going down in history with big shame. It's going to happen. I keep on thinking 'they will think SO low off us later on.' 

Sometimes I have the voice off a Metal Grumpy in my head 'Great you keep on telling damnation, since we are all going to hell...' But this is for real, and not some sort off Metal game. Be prepared it's the REAL THING. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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