zondag 19 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 19th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is sunny and bright, I even caught somewhat off a sunburn. 


I personally have the idea peace in Ukraine will be there in 2026. It shows most further scenario's. And most 'things' say it's that year. But will peace be truly upon us? That's a bit vague. To be honest, maybe something else will be after it which requires '2028.'. But for now, 2026 for the Ukraine war. 

It won't be in the very short term, but it won't be war forever. And I hope they will do something about those prices to food and supermarket items. It's not easy being on the rich side off poor. I'm poor, but I do get by. Some say I'm rich, while others claim I'm poor, it depends on where you are and who you ask. 

I wonder if there are really people who have died due to this crisis. Not due to the war, but really because they couldn't afford food or health care. I wish to see serious researches and marks. How high was the inflation? How many people did not get by or struggled? Have people actually died? But that's for later on after it took place. It's a massive subjects for students, history students, politics, statistics- anything. It should be looked at and studied a billion times over when times are better. But it's not over yet. I wish it would be done with honesty. And it needs to be published and open for the public. We need clear information about this time.  But we're still in the middle off it. It's just that this is NOT acceptable. NOT tolerable, NOT good. I hope my wish will be heard. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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