donderdag 23 mei 2024

Good morning at the 23th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today turned out cloudy and windy. Not bright at all. 


Maybe it's not cheap, but I had a good idea for sandwich topping: 

It's plain brown sandwich bread with peanutbutter with chunks off peanut, and honey on top. I love these. The honey makes it pricey, but it's a good combination. It's just a suggestion you can try and it's tasty. 

This morning, I was awake at 4.00 AM, and then whent back to bed after I wrote my blog. I think I can be helpfull to people with tips and suggestions, especially during a crisis when life has to be low-key for people to come round. I don't know if it's off actuall use. That's up to the reader. And maybe I'm just noisy. Maybe people get fed up with it and think I'm too much into their business before getting violent and vreeting on shawarma again. But I think it can can be usefull. For the ordinairy, everyday people with good intentions. The vulgair, gaming shawarma vreeters where not poor to begin with, so I think I should not mind too much about them. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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