woensdag 29 mei 2024

Good morning at the 29th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's quite rainy. 


This morning, I awoke with new energy after my afternoon sight-seeing in Amsterdam, and decided I could clean the kitchen. It's washed up, finally, and I put some bacon in a marinade for tonight's dinner. I think I needed the fresh Amsterdam energy, to have done something and I smuggled with my nails. I was like: 'Let your inner fairy out more....' And then put on inner Peas green from Essence, with some Christmas glitter topcoat I still own. So I got soft green nails with glitter today. It's not the serious statement wear you're supposed to do these days. But I just felt 'Let your inner fairy out more.' yesterday. Maybe it's something to be entirely done after the war is over, and fashion isn't supposed to be so serious and appropriate anymore. Be an Amsterdam street fairy, inspired by foreign cultures. With dangling earrings and big Indian skirts. And long, half-do hair. I love the style, I love the idea. Some foreign women inspired me while being out on the streets yesterday, but their style might be a bit too cheerfull for these days. After the war and the crisis, I'll let my inner Indian woman out, and enjoy that style for a while. But on sneakers and with a jeans jacket- since those are comfortable. All rainforest Asian cultures love that. Colourfull, feminin clothes. And I don't dislike some colourfull Asian take on clothes. It's really awesome. 

For now I got green glitter nails. I won't be looked down upon for it, and I think I'll keep them untill they're done. But how to explain 'Let your inner fairy out.' To care takers? I think I needed all off that for some fresh mental air, to be capable to do some wash up and cooking today. I don't like the rigid. I can be serious for a while, but after a while... I don't like to walk 'in line.' for too long. I need fresh mental air and inspiration. Let's keep those nails for now, and let's keep the energy off fresh air for today. To stay more on the right path, it's not innapropriate. I can make my outfit really plain and simple and normal, with those nails as a stand-out, and I hope the world will not mind too much.

It will be such a blast for a man who wishes to keep me in the home all the time, who wishes to keep me under controll. I don't lend myself to that, since that's too uncomfortable. Jealouse, frustrated guys have nothing to seek in me. I'm faithfull, but I need to be out every often. Have my life. The main reason for me to have behaved this well inside, was sickness and blockades. The kinda mental drowsyness and unstableness that forces me to be inside. But it itches and frustrates. I prefer trips to other places, shopping and the colourfull every now and then. But doesn't everyone? 

I'm off to places more often, if my health allowes. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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