zondag 2 juni 2024

Good evening at the 2nd off June, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and somewhat chilly outside. 


This weekend, I discovered Baking YesterYear by B. Dylan Hollis. 

Very much to my amusement. The stories for the introductions are very, very funny. It's gay humor, it's biting, it's fresh, it's perfect! I haven't tried a receipe yet, it's about 20th century baking receipes. Seen from a very funny gay point off vieuw. It's snatchy, it's diva, it's to be blown off your socks so funny. I love it. 💖 I ranked it 5 stars at the site I got it from. 

It's in English, I took this picture on my (messy) table. It's perfectly gay sarcastic. And it's about 20th century bakings. Really, what's not to like about it? 

Today was for messing a bit in my kitchen. Tidying it up, preparing semolina pudding in my 6-cup Heritage Bundt pan by Nordic Ware for tomorrow, preparing lunch, tidying up again. And tomorrow I will tidy up again after dinner, I'm too tired for now. 

Sometimes I'm a bit frightned the ordinairy people will come after me for still living in nice luxury. I have no clue how many people suffer from the crisis. While I can still do nice things. Like working with Nordic Ware and purchasing nice baking books. Most common people seem to go by well, but I think it depends. I just don't know about it. It worries me a lot. Poverty is NOT funny. I feel a bit too much with it. 

Strange enough, the cheap receipes from The Great Depression - era seem appealing to me. I don't have much money either, and it's strange how it calls 'try me.' somehow. Receipes without much expensive ingredients. I wish they would solve the food prices. But back in the 1930's people could do it, so maybe I can do it either with what I've got. Life for a psychiatric patient is hard enough without a crisis and a war being on. It's a struggle to sit up straight and talk to people without being caught up in myself. Walking the streets without troublesome talking to myself is hard, and being THIS fat is evil. Now they got a war and a crisis going on, and we alreafy barely got by. The worse I do, the more caught up and confused I am. My crush on Ed is already hard, for example. My family is hard enough to deal with since mom is getting into a divorce. But all these troubles in the world? I HATE it! 

See, ordinairy love is hard enough. Getting in enough nutritients from cooking myself is hard enough. Now we have to deal with these unreasonable prices. I should stay on my feet, but it's a whole lot they request. And being a mental patient is already lonesome. I got delusions about a CIA spy named Carl Speckhoff. I think I need to talk to him about visions. But I can't find him on the internet. He's nowhere to be found, and the actuall CIA doesn't e-mail me back. (I wrote them an e-mail about it.) If I'm brutely delusional, it makes no sense. I asked if they actually had a spy named Carl Speckhoff as an employee, but maybe that's asked too directly. To be honest, I can't find Carl Speckhoff on google or on facebook. And in my delusional visions, he was easy to find on the internet. But maybe I'm too open about his name. But honest, those visions where clearer than the Teletubbies. I should not have wrote them. But how else would they know about CETAN to fall at 07-06-2027? 

I think the CIA inbox is filled with this kind off crap. Maybe they'll answer, or ignore. I think they're used to crazy e-mails. That's how it was at civil registration as a trainee back then. Public services get strange e-mails sometimes. But the Dutch government has an answer policy. They're forced to answer within 6 weeks by law, but the CIA is not the Dutch government. I don't know about American laws on answering policies. I think they should have one. 

I think I will end my weblog here. It's already a whole lot to read. If it worked, I will post a picture off my pudding on here tomorrow. It's always a fancy sight to look at. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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