zondag 30 juni 2024

Good morning at the 30th off June, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's too dark toninght to see the weather outside. 


I would like to talk about moods. Nowadays people might do hard keeping good moods due to the crisis. I decided to keep a good, appropriate but cheerfull mood instead off a gloomy one. 

You see, I come from a home with a very sick dad who died in 2012. I have been taught to make something good out off a bad period, no matter what, but in a tastefull way. Not overly bright and partyhardy, no thank you, but in a 'Let's play good music and share cake while you can.' kinda mood. It lasted quite some time, and I became a mental patient afterward. But despite all off that, I decided to continue to have fun and wear nice enough clothes, have my home nicely decorated, go to have meals outside, and play good music. It kinda still does well to my mood. And I decided to continue that during these days. 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's hits- including the real dance smashes and the upbeat work, still do it for me. It works to keep on brightening my mood. And I can recommend those hits to most people. 

I survived several crisises before in my life, and the same mindset helps me to cope with this one. Even including keeping a somewhat fun life. doing nice things and so on. It helps to not let our spirits being let down by the Russians. I don't want to sound too bright and cheerfull, but simply not to be affected too much by it is winning half the war I think. I'm a survivor, not much off a bright life liver, but it works to keep on doing well these days. I would be nowhere without my care home, but aside to this, it's music, singing, baking, the internet, bullet journaling, that keeps me from being cranky. Speaking off which, I prepared a cake from a cake box a fellow client bought me. I dolled it up with bananas and chocolate. 

And it's served on a nice cake plate. These sort off things keep the fun and the good spirits in my life. I'm not a partygoer, I'm not festive in general, but my spirits aren't wrecked enough by this crisis to feel down by it. I can withstand this. I feel 'I can do it.' when it comes to it. 

I hope you can take my advice, and maybe you can bake, sing or listen to upbeat music a little more yourself. Music really is the key. It helps! Just like journalling and doing bullet journal things: 

Drawing isn't so pricey, I assume most off you still own their drawing pencils, papers and markers, and can doodle a few images to relief stress. To me it helps to make clear what I got on my mind. To make images off teksts, or to draw manga cartoon-like what my issue is. It works to keep on being cheerfull. Silly and uplifting as it is. It's a method for the soul to survive during harsh times. 

And simply to have it good works. I'm not poor, and I have savings. I saved during my lifetime, ever since being 16, for god knows what, and it works for these days. My accountant sees me as rich enough to be granted a lot off money and it's no issue each time I ask for an extra. I have an accountant to take care off my bills. To protect me against myself when it comes to that, to make sure bills are paid and I don't over-spend during delusions, but I have been taught to be sober by my parents. So here I am, all warm and cozy during this crisis with a nice amount off savings on the bank she granted me to use nowadays. Bewindvoering, as how it's called in Dutch- it works for sober people who are clever with money. I don't believe in 'living day to day.' I believe in 'Thinking off the long term.' And take care off it. It helps. It makes me feel so much more stable during these days to know I'm not poor. You won't see me over-spend, but I take profit off earlier mindfullness. 

It works to keep a good mood. Poor as the streetbricks as I'm supposed to be, I can live. And to be alive during a big fat crisis means the golden oldies in music and baking for me. And a sane spending level, as usuall. But it doesn't mean it can't be fun, or has to be rigidly bad mooded. It's not a celebration, it's appropriate to be humble, but to keep your spirits bright: Sing, listen to music, bake, doodle in bullet journals, and have a bit off fun. Emotions need creative air. It's my advice for this morning. 😉     

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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