Good evening everyone,
Today was cloudy and grey outside but there was no rain. According to the forecasts we can expect wet snow and hail tomorrow. It's weather for tea and something home baked tomorrow. I believe I can't do so since I have things to do. But the idea is nice.
Today's soup was an improvised chinese vegetable one. I'm glad de Boed has a wide variety off spices in their pantry and a lot off broth cubes and potatoes, garlick and onions on stock most off the time. I got complimented all the time while actually I had been slacking with the ingredient list again and had to use what they had left in the freezer. High point off my soup? Vegetarian chicken slices. Slices off some soy which are a perfect replacement for chicken. I had partly chicken broth in my soup so it wasn't vegetarian, but nevertless, my vegetarian chicken soup with chinese stir fry vegetables was nevertless a great one. People just loved it. The next time I have my list off ingredients in perfect order, so I'm going to rock it again next week. I love soup making as it challenges me on times like this to be creative and clever to get something great out off it. Sometimes I'm a bit stupid when it comes to this (Slacking communicating ingredients through.) But I wasn't in trouble over it, luckily. I promised them when I can make it to 20 years off soup making, I'm going to publish a cookbook for them. 'How to improvise the perfect soup each time and safe your ass from trouble.' (Hey, I'm pretty good at it. Otherwise I wouldn't get away with that each time. It deserves a cookbook with a more catchy title)
Aside from soup, I had an appointment with health care in my own home. I had people saying my cake from yesterday was pretty good, without having a slice off it myself. Since I had to catch up with my nurse from psychiatric health, getting how I was doing this period off time. It was a good appointment as I needed it, probably. I needed her to see me as I wasn't feeling so well. I have talked it through and I hope she will do well with it. Just when I felt like talking more to her and being more open about myself I felt as if she wasn't connecting with me well, but I'll try again next time. I'm getting used to talking to health care and I believe nowadays in the power off opening up to health care. I just have been very closed off with my nurse as I had to overcome that with her. It's just that I've grown mentally when it comes to that. I just hope she can help me when we connect diffrently than before. (I've had her for about two years now.)
She told me something. 'Happiness isn't comming to you when you just sit in your room, you have to go out and do things to make you feel happy, and it doesn't happen at once, you have to get out time and time again to find it. And re-do it so you might find something you like.' It's sometimes as simple as this. I'm bad at going out in the world and trying new things since I somehow prefer to stay safe and sound here or at the terrain off Gortershof- and things are far off from here. It's just that depression and numbness are feelings I'm known with nowadays. But I'm willing to pick up fun stuff again and go out a bit more and seek after my hapiness again.
Allright, that's about it-
Thank you for reading.