Good evening everyone,
Today was clear and cold outside, winter sunshine.
Migration, it's quite an issue. I barely dare to burn my fingers on it, but I wish to state and share an opinion with you.
The Dutch government was elected the PVV, the anti-migration party from Geert Wilders. They would like to cut migration and foreign workers to enlarge chances for Dutch workers. It's just that ASML, the country's most renovated chip machine maker and other knowledge sectors are starting to complain. I think there is nothing wrong with well-mannered, high educated, hard working foreign workers. We need them and we should not cut them from the Dutch job market. Ever since the VOC-era, the Netherlands depends on them. When it comes to such immigrants, we should not put a thing in their way since they might help us develop engineering which might help us win the war against Russia. I think during this war, the government should not lay ASML and other technological companies anything in the way to develop since we need it. We need it as much as electricity to keep our society up to date and working. Especially during a big war being on.
It's not bad for such companies to invest in foreign university campuses and wishing to bring in the most brilliant and talented minds in the whole wide world to help them develop.
These people are not scum. The PVV is talking about criminals and foreign fortune seekers, but that's a whole diffrent kind off people in my opinion. There's a diffrence between well-educated workers and foreign scum.
I'm not racist, I think most people deserve a fair chance, but the country is simply full. I agree on that point. It's sad, but we can't keep any more asylum seekers. Since this country is waaaay too small for all those refugees and we already do what we can. But we should NOT and NEVER cut on knowledge immigrants and people who wish to work their ass off over here. It's much too important for the economy, improvement and during this era, warfare. I think I'm not that much off importance, but I wished to state that opinion somewhere. I haven't voted PVV, and I think they will do the country harm if they continue this way.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.