zaterdag 19 juni 2021

On 'Schizotypal.'

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy outside without rain. There's no high temperatures and somehow I wonder if the weather can be jinxed somehow this year. I'm not really mental when coming up with this. I bet if people find out how to jinx the weather, they go nasty on it somehow. Like with everything nowadays. I think it shouldn't be left to mortal people to master over the weather. But it's all theoreticall, offcourse. 


Schizotypal. It's a term in modern psychology to describe people who behave diffrent than what's descripted as accepted in these modern days. People who behave a-typical and who have difftent ideas and ideals than what's acceptable. 

In that light, there are a lot off people schizotypal and I was wondering for how many rebel thinkers this counts. You could shove it off as a mental issue. You could do that, but is it a true disease in that case? I'm schizophrenic, but I'm also a bit irreligious in my way off thinking and the way I vieuw modern society. I never talked about it with my health care staff, I don't know what happens if I would. Would that be seen as another aspect off being diseased in mind? I find it troublesome that my world vieuw is seen as a disease and with me I believe there are probably many nowadays who are against modern pursue off profit (If google has translated that right.) Is that a disease? Truly? 

If so, then where does the freedom off the individual end to think freely off modern society? I think I could get interesting answers if I would question this to my psychiatrist and health care providers. I might be too free and strange minded for people you would assume to think alike. I'm a rebel and a non-conformist and I might have been ever since I caught the ideal off what it contains. The good and well-behaving people at Gortershof would probably be on their nerves if they knew what that is all about. (To keep myself from disrupting people I often don't push discussions to the limit. I know when to keep my opinion shut.) I doubt if any off them is schizotypal. I might be if you'd follow the description and I doubt if many a Castlefest-goer is truly a rebel if you hear so many off them whining about Omnia. And off limits? I don't think so for most. I hoped to find likewise minded people in there. But I must be a strange case then. Left winged politics and fairness are somewhat off a strange idea in this right-winged landscape off narrow minded people most off the time. (I'm talking about modern day society in general.) It's something to fight over each and every generation. But is that a mental disease? Not in my opinion. 

Allright, that's about it- thank you for reading. 

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