zondag 20 juni 2021

I'm not your 'Barbiedoll.'

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was warm yet cloudy. It was a nice day in general. I returned home after visiting my brothers. 


I like to speak up about a subject that means a lot to me. 

While scapegoating me, Vana Events has been degredating me to some immature, pink loving, Britney Spears listening whore and they try to make me a playbunny to the lowest kind off level you don't have to take serious. I have to defend myself. That's not like me at all. I'm way too serious to be considered that and I think off this way off scapegoating as incredibly filthy. But that's how it has been and it's why they are stuck up with some morron thinking he can be sexist everywhere. I suppose it was a welcoming way off even bringing this to a further point while no one right in their head who has been around me would ever consider me that way. Allright, I'm a blonde and at times I dye my hair. But that's everything that can be said about it. I have to obey to some morron thinking he can do anything to me in that field but it goes too far and it's not allright with me. Most people in that scene don't know me for real but they have put up such a shamefull image for me and probably a lot off other women and it shouldn't go any further. It's a shame to Vana to put up women like me like that because they can't controll me any other way. I'm not in for it. I never have been. 

I'm serious but not cranky. That's probably it. I'm not as much as a sour old hag as most off their 'Serious.' bitches. I prefer a wide range off bald summer colours over black, that makes me a bit weird off a witch and I'm NOT overly jealouse though they like to make me seem that way. What do they have to hide themselves in that field? 

Rumors like this to a young girl / woman often come from men who can't have you in their bed, or women who are overly jealouse at you. It's some sort off a common wisdom to know. I never doubted myself as a woman who is true to herself. I like pink dresses, but I'm not a barbie doll. I'm not their barbiedoll and I never have been. I'm not a slut or a whore, I'm rather a holy virgin when it comes to it. And I don't want them in my bed. Something is off about this and I would like to know why they have came up with this nonsense some time ago. It's not right and it's not fair. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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