zaterdag 12 juni 2021

Some people...

 Good evening everyone, 

It's a warm almost summer night, but not everything falls into place. In this area, there are no stars above the city. They can't be seen. At my mom's house, you can see a sky full off stars at clear nights and I miss that. Starry nights are better than empty city nights. Only the moon can be seen. 

I'm snacking on nuts. Healthy unsalted nuts which are healthy. I have a fight with a care taker, the one who bought my smiley necklace. She thinks she can play mindtricks on me. 'If you won't do your house chores, I won't pay.' She said. I reported this to the office and we'll have a talk next week about this 'cause this is vulgair theft. She is not poor, she has money and like everyone who buys something she has to pay instead off doing things like this. She's not above the rest and she's arrogant when it comes to this. As if she doesn't has to pay me something. I spoke up about this with other people and there will be a talk about this. It's only 3 euro's. Why would someone be this arrogant and mean to me? I wonder about people's reasons often. 'Why would you set up people against me?' 'Why would you dedicate a wickerbeast to me while meanwhile you don't want to talk about things with me?' 'Why would you trick me with this and treat me like a child?' Luckily, this can be talked over. The other two examples are still unsolved mysteries. People are stupid at times. I don't get it most off the time but maybe I'm too honest in spirit when it comes to things like this. I believe in fairness and honesty. It brings you the longest way with people. 

I'm lucky, I don't have any overweight diseases like cholestorol or high blood pressure. You wouldn't assume it, but I watch my health most off the time instead off eating like a pig. So nuts it is, underneath this empty sky above the town. 

Allright, thank you for reading.  

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