maandag 28 juni 2021


 Good evening everyone, 

The storm still hasn't been, the evening ended nice and the clouds have almost faded. 


It's something to crave for- Authenticity. Be as real as possible and quit being fake and running after trends that don't suit you. Somehow I like to believe I'm authentic. Sizzling, true, bold and out off fashion but into my own style. I hate people who are pleasing their crowd or who come up with nonsense just to please a crowd, but it's something I sometimes envy. What if I would become producer to -let's say- an annoying song with easy lines and a great dancebeat and I would cash in massively on that? I have no producing machines or even a studio, but I'm sarcastically thinking I could become rich if I would produce nonsense for the main crowd. It's so stupid it's funny. 

Now back to myself. I prefer writing on an unread weblog a thousand times over opening the next weblog on style or make-up but staying true to myself. No matter what others think. I often have to say no if they wonder if I'm impressed or if their actions have an impact on me. I'm mainly indiffrent to most off it. I don't really keep up with trends but I love to decide for myself what's cool. 

Being real is cool. Some off the worst people who thought they where all 'cool.' where some off the fakest people I've ever met and they're not my kind off people. I prefer strolling over a market over walking down a shopping wallhalla splurging on things. Picking bargains and fresh fruit and veggies and smelling the real life atmosphere feels better. I don't look like a fashionable person either, but I don't mind being fat anymore. Life has been doing well for me lately and who cares? I love to come up with original stuff made by real people. Those are the best products and articles you can have. It's also a good way to grow old with, authenticity. I like to stay fresh and young but I'm not attached to desperately following trends so maturing should look good on me somehow. At least I don't look cheap. I believe in it. Or I like to believe in it. Style never goes out off fashion. I'm not someone who lives up to beauty standards but people often tell me I look good.  

Be brave, be honest- always do what's the most right. Do the right thing. 

Authenticity is something to crave for. Being yourself never grows old and people who validate life for what it truly is never grow poor. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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