donderdag 24 juni 2021

Validate what you have.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy and feeling cold in a nice way. It's a fresh wind that blows around you and there are a lot off landmowers mowing grass. It smells fresh and green outdside here. It's a nice feeling. 


I may sound a bit old fashioned when I'm on and on about not throwing stuff away and being content with things you have, or which lay on the shelve to almost forgotten but which are still almost new and perfectly fine to use. I don't like people who throw away too much and who dwell on latest trends and who can't be content with life anymore no matter what. I believe people could be more gratefull for what they have and still have, and sometimes it takes a look among stuff you have bought before and you might have safed it but you never used it to get something almost new. I don't know if it's because I have a poor background and have been brought up with little, but I'm most off the time gratefull for what I have and I can handle new stuff and collecting stuff and I look on my shelves if I feel low on money and I still want to have fun. It's not hard when you've already collected a lot. Then it takes little to still have nice things. And if you prefer not to live on trend or with the latest gadgets like I do, it doesn't do anything to you if something new comes out. 

I believe this world could become a better place if people where more satisfied and would be less greedy. I can be content just drinking coffee and be on my laptop all day instead off going after new stuff all the time. My music at the moment is mainly golden oldies and I don't need new haircuts every 6 weeks. Or expensive make-up. I know mankind wouldn't improve if everyone would be as innovative and motivated as me. But it works somehow to be common sensed about the world around you and know what things are worth. I don't have the money for expensive sound systems, still I enjoy listening to music by listening to cd's a lot and listening to music on my laptop. When I'm low on money, I look at what I still have which is plenty. I still can't afford to live a luxurious lifetyle, but I get by perfectly fine each day. 

I think it's spoiled not to be gratefull for what you have if you can live a good life. Health is more important, and so are social relationships. It's also a good sign if you live with respect for people less wealthy than you and if you can share or give away what you have left if you can and make other people happy. That is wealth. Being capable to share. There are about one million poor people in the Netherlands (On a population off about 18 million people) and numbers are increasing. I always feel such incredibly pity with truly poor people. It's probably because I've known poverty myself and still have to deal with a low income. I feel with them. There are many people who have nothing. So I think it's good to still stand still by what you do have in life and validate each day for what it's truly worth.

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading.       

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