vrijdag 25 juni 2021

A Middle Eastern twist

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is cloudy and rainy, weather you'd associate with autumn. The type off 'You better invested in vests.'  weather. It's cold and gloomy. 


I turned out to have a hint off Middle Eastern roots from my mom's side off the family. They aren't close relatives but they are far away, somewhere a part off me and I think it's a cool thing. I often draw inspiration from the Middle East in my baking. It's not clear what country it's actually from but I understand now why we don't have trouble with muslims and even understand and try to understand them to a certain level while a lot off Dutch people look a bit down upon them or look strange on them and do hard with them being around. I would never become a muslim myself. I'm too free in spirit and mind but I feel fine with it. 

I'm born Dutch. Sometimes when people wonder about me not being completely white I thought it was a bit strange from them since I'm completely Dutch in my opinion but I have dark eyebrows and people where I live think I'm part Spanish sometimes. They even see that far away etnicity twist on me though it's just a tiny bit. I have green eyes, I'm a bit hairy and I have dark eyebrows and sharper facial features than most here. I believe this might be the answer to where my warm blooded nature comes from. And who knows what roots dad might have had. 

Mom turns out to have mainly English blood, and some Scandinavian blood. She's not Germanic. I think her roots are awesome. I'm part viking, part celt and a small part middle eastern. We have family trees that draw us back to the Netherlands for at least the 1600's and to Germany from about that time and before aswell. But the cycle will end in me. I decided that since I'm not healthy and wealthy enough for my own offspring. Still I feel delighted to have found out since it's cool family roots. She has a big family and one off my cousins from mom's side does have children. I think I don't have to feel guilty about not passing our genes. I'm sorry to say. 

The middle east is a great inspiration for style and baking. The old culture I mean. It's beautifull and mesmerizing dreamy. And somehow a feeling and maybe the reason why I would have loved to use a serious study to cause peace in the Middle East and end wars if I would have had the chances. But I'm stuck in my flat, just imagining how to overcome a period off rain and cloudyness and trying not to get depressed by an overdose off it. I can't stand the sun, I can't stand the rain. Vitamin D seems to work on me so far. My main concern is the weather, not causing peace. But I can bake de Boed some Middle Eastern inspired goods with spices and honey and somehow modestly celebrate it. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.        

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