zaterdag 26 juni 2021

Good evening at the 26th off June, 2021.

 Good evening everyone. 

Today was cloudy yet warm. It's the perfect type off weather to notice this country is still a swamp with a lot off water running around us. I had predicting dreams telling me Noord-Holland, my area, will be drowned down in water and evade in 60 years. It will all happen at once while nobody expects it and I don't know if there is anything that can be done about it. I can tell you all, but what will come off that? If nobody does something about it, all areas where I've been raised and spend my life will be under water. I believe nobody will take this serious somehow, so let's go on to the main blog. 

Today we're off off the mouthmask plight. I have been wearing bright purple lipstick today to celebrate it. Off with those masks, and chances again to wear expressive lipsticks and glosses all the time. It motivates me to wear make-up. I like that. Life is too short to be dull. 


Life goes on, I decided myself to take more Vitamin D supplements and they work for me. I feel better by it and sunny somehow. It enhances my mood and I'm thankfull for that. Life goes on, the worst feeling off depression is fading. I feel, however, the need to be more in bed when the weather is gloomy but it's probably something to fight over in autumn. You already hear me writing blogs full off complaint about it probably. 

I've read in the newspaper companies are after a certain new found science to make people dream off their products. Ethics have come so far they can make you dream about their nonsense. Microsoft is one off the companies who wishes to use that. I believe it's a shame for companies to be so rude to wish to use people's dreams for their commerce. It's not right in my opinion to even want to do so. But it's probably a company's perverted dream to do so. 

I have a serious issue with face leakages underneath my skin, and I don't know what the source to it might be. I'm doomed. I hope I'm one off the lucky people to cure from it, but I feel I'm unfortunate with it. GP can't do anything about it and send me back to psychiatrics. It's a bad thing they don't have a medical instrument to look underneath people's skin very easily. I might be helped by such a machine. I hope it's not my mind playing tricks with me, but I hope it's not something real either. In that case I'm in serious trouble because they can't cure me off it either. Science is behind, or I'm mad. 

It's the end off June, but I'm listening at my favourite christmas song. Sleigh Ride by the Carpenters. I should keep it for December and January. (Even a few weeks after christmas when it's still cold and gloomy outside, the nice Christmas mood is used by me to keep on feeling positive. But it's the end off June- we have about another half a year before it's actually Christmas.) I'm not in the mood for christmas- just for that particulair song. 

I'm glad the world hasn't come to an end due to Corona. As far as it seems, we're brightening up but something in me says we should be carefull. I hope I'm not sensing it right, but I think we might even get a third wave of Corona waiting for the world. I hope the vaccins have done their work, but I'm weary. I'm just glad it's mainly taken off off our shoulders. Can we truly finally breathe?

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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