maandag 21 juni 2021

Mid-summer shield 2021.


Today I wanted to do something for mid-summer. Today is the longest day and the shortest night. I decided on to make a mid-summershield on de Boed and mine has buttons on it. Ancient people used to make them around these days. I can't remember for what purpose to be honest, but I made one by accident before and I liked the idea to do something like that again for this year's midsummer, despite mine being rectangulair instead off being round-shaped. 

Allright, that's about it for now- Thank you for reading. 

Edit: I found you're suppose to make it look like a sunwheel to be working with the essence off the sun. Mine is rectangulair this year, but to be honest- Anything is possible in modern days. I don't know if the gods accept rectangulair mid-summer shields. But I cheered up a care taker who said she felt sunny by my painting on this rainy and gloomy day. 

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