maandag 28 juni 2021

Unworldly thoughts.

 Good evening, 

Today is typicall summer swamp weather. It's cloudy yet a bit warm. There has been no thunderstorm, unfortunately. I wouldn't have mind if there would have been. Thunderstorms are to my liking ATM. 


I believe there might be a planet with a medieval culture which can fly outer space ships. They're behind in culture, but somehow they can fly their people around. I suppose it's going to have a strange attraction on people once they open a café somewhere in London. I don't know why. Aliens might be around us, but we should be carefull because there are good and bad people in them. I would love the world to meet them, however. It would be cool to be confirmed in my theory that life comes from outer space. I even held on to that theory in psychiatric health care. It's not a mental problem, it's a strong belief outer space has something to do with it. But I'm not completely certain what exactly. 

Today was a good day to speak up about what I think and how I see certain things to people at de Boed. It felt good to share a piece off my mind. I told an older man that 'Just because he doesn't know about something, it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.' It felt good to say that. It was about a new kind off soup I'm going to bring to the table this wednesday. I'm certain people are going to like it, despite they might not be very known to it. Surinamian peanut soup. High in calories, great in taste. I'm going to add tauge and pineapple to it. I loved it back at my parental home. It was my late dad's favourite soup. My dad was a great cook and he taught me how to cook food perfectly. My dad used to work at a community centre in Amsterdam where a lot off cultures came togheter and he probably got the receipe from Surinamese people.  It's going to be the first time I'm about to try to make it myself. 

This weblog might appear like nonsense, and it might be strange, but it's excentric. Not psychotic today. I hope I can still tell the diffrence. I do believe in Alien mythology to a certain point, and Peanut soup is from Surinam, a former Dutch colony in Latin America. I can't tell this any more realistic than it should be. But it's not a bad blog. Creativity and weirdness sometimes hold on to each other. Walking the line in between is tricky at times. The world is a bit difficult at times, but it's up to us to not let ourselves being brought down by it. It's almost an art not to be. 

Today was for wearing flamboyant dresses, grocery shopping and coffee. I might not be the coolest person out there, but at least I'm not fake and always true to myself. Some people go far to please their audience. I don't. I believe in authenticity. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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