dinsdag 15 juni 2021

Good evening at the 15th off June, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today is sunny with a hint off clouds and it is appearently cooler than yesterday. Those cool episodes are to my liking. Tomorrow and the day after that it will be too hot outside for me. I'm not going to like it. 


Today I sat outside de Boed on their terrace in the shadow and I enjoyed the coolness and the green summer surrounding. It was nice to be there and just feel the atmosphere off June. I have been minding the bewildered plants for a while. I like it that way and I love bewildered plants and plants growing across each other and it looking like some beautifull bohemian ensemble. Bewildered areas where there hasn't been build yet, or bewildered yards with a lot off variety in plants and a cool summer atmosphere are so beautifull. It has 'something.' almost mysterious. It's better than straight cut areas with less variety and flowerbeds being too neatly organized. That bewilderedness off flowers and plants is in fashion nowadays. I love it. 

It's been a thing from the government ever since we had an economic crisis to let areas bewilder and take less care off outdoor green in public areas which made it like that. de Boed and Gortershof have a large garden which is taken care off by a serious hobbyist. That makes it look a thousand times better than when it would have been done by paid professionals. The garden is lovely. We have a lot off bugs outside like butterflies, ladybugs and large dragonflies. There has been one bumping it's head on the solar screen this afternoon, but with some care that beautifull almost tropical large green dragonfly could fly again and the day has been safed. Bewilderdness almost brings out a sense off freedom in me. The kind off sensation that makes you stand above the rest off the world and makes you feel invincible at times. At least that's what it does to me. The others become corporated hypocrits living for their money or status if your heart becomes free and autonome. I love it. It's a feeling my mom has been raising me with. It's where true music should originate from. That spectaculair feeling off freedom. 

Yesterday I was sitting by our fish pond while the Gortershof-band played their soulfeeding music. They play blues, classic rock, jazz and other amazing styles and they are very, very good for a hobby band. They practice two evenings a week at de Boed and the atmosphere it gave outside was spectaculair. Magic is in the air when something feels like this. My soul is fed when the world looks like that. Light outside, beauty outside, great music outside. 

I barely have any money and I live in a small house but I feel great when this all comes togheter and makes the atmosphere fizzy and bright,    

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading. 

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