dinsdag 8 juni 2021

Good evening at the 8th off June, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was uplifting and sunny outside. It was a perfect day to enjoy the sunshine and soak in some energy. Or watch how beautifull the sun shines from the inside, since out is a bit too scorching for my skin, but beautifull it is. (The day is not over yet.) It's better than gloomy winter evenings. 


Today was for baking my famous chocolate banana cake, but this time I adapted chocolate chunks to the receipe I invented. Tomorrow everyone will have a nice slice off chocolate cake with their afternoon coffee. Banana cake with chocolate chunks and nuts! Aside to those who are allergic, probably everyone enjoys such a cake. 

I badly remember what else I have done today. It probably consisted out off getting my medication in the morning, then morning coffee, having lunch at de Boed and then back home to make cake, and off to dinner I was. It's a bit off a blur today, I also could have skipped to some superhero outfit and attempted to safe the world somehow today, but I also forgot that. I could have won the first price in a baking contest with my banana cake, but that didn't happen as far as I know. It's probably as how I described it above. The realistic version - not the superhero version. Life is a bit on the boring side. I think I leap up against walls somehow. I wish to do and make more out off life, but like I said- it's impossible these days. I have been wearing a khaki skirt and pastel t-shirts, my style for summer is tidy this year. A bit on the boring and even conservative side, but these clothes feel very comfy and I had the philosophy I could change shirts every now and then if I invested in affordable yet plain clothes. Before baking my shirt was light blue, after baking I skipped to lilac the same model. I skipped to a clean shirt, not to some superhero clothes, - but close enough today after what I have done. I baked chocolate cake, it's close enough I hope. 

My hair and lack off make-up tell people I'm still not a conservative person, I lack to do make-up and I only brush and wash my hair despite to have dyed it recently a golden brown shade over my blonde hair. I could be more clean and groomed, but I have had this fight with myself for years now, ever since I started psychiatric health care I care less about looking good aside to my nice clothes. If I keep basically clean, I could pass as tidy enough for a random stranger walking by and for people on here. If prince charming passes me by he's the one with bad luck. I. Just. Can't. Set. Myself. To. Looking. Good. Comfortable and acceptable just does it. But sometimes I bale for not taking more care like I used to. 

However, People like me the way I am nowadays. It's acceptable. Tomorrow is another day, and I could give it another try. People accept themselves over less than what I do. (That's not a nice remark. But you got the point.) 

If this is the main subject for this weblog, then nothing interesting probably has happened for today. 

I red two new cookbooks I purchased this week and I got inspired by them. The Oven bible and the Salad bible. I love collecting the entire cooking bible range they came up with. I know I told you about that before on this weblog.I have a range off cooking bibles in my house and set up alltogheter it looks kinda impressive allready. New ideas are always fun. Aside to that, life is a bit boring. And I purchased a cookbook on Indonesian cooking which has won an award two years ago, and I got a lot off cookbooks from my mom (She supports me collecting them.) I started a serious collection off cookbooks. Two have won an award and most are written by famous cooks with impressive careers. I like being inspired to take my cooking to new levels every time. I even have a small case for just cookbooks. Before Corona and before my friend died, I used to give small home dinners with receipes I wanted to try for a special occasion. I even made it to a women's magazine with a picture off one off the desserts. Being a hobby cook does well for me sometimes. It was the last dessert I would serve her but she had to go to the hospital and was diagnosed with cancer they couldn't cure anymore. Previous year, some time before the pandemic took place. I have to find new people to cook for every often. Sometimes life isn't fair. I lost a lot off friends the past few years. Not due to the pandemic, but because off fights or things like this. I'm a bit lonesome these days. I'm known to the feeling off loneliness, and it increases by the year so it seems. I wish I had life working for me instead off all off those nasty things taking place. 

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading.   


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