zaterdag 19 juni 2021

Practice what you preach

 Good afternoon everyone,

Sometimes it's hard to stick by your words. Sometimes it's hard to stick by how you wish to come off. Sometimes it's hard to practice the vieuws you seem or should have, but you actually don't have those- or you have sold your soul instead and well, you ARE after the pursuit off profit that first didn't make sense in your public opinion. There are many examples off this and sometimes you can't even be sure off what someone said. But it's all clear in how they act. Sometimes Celts aren't celts, but Romans in disguise, and sometimes the whole idea off paganism is, well, just an ideal and what you do is just binge watching netflix as paganism is just a fantasy like the others. (I don't agree with that.) 

I try to keep life sober but pure. I don't know what or who we're talking about, but they are probably going to be angry if they would read. But I'm not afraid off them. 

Paganism isn't a fantasy. It's a religion for good reasons I better don't explain. Sometimes you have seen the explosion that killed the real Atlantis without it to have been a movie. Sometimes you know exactly what magic is, but you better keep quiet and you do most off the time. That's where I agree. 

Sometimes you didn't get the Game Of Thrones hype- but you get it causes more sexism in Fantasy scene circles and you despise that. It's not a good thing. Sometimes you want to hear songs off true freedom again, instead off what's going on nowadays. It's not right anymore. And you know why as it has always been a fight and you know you are on the good side. But you finally found out why. Celts are Romans in disguise. I'm talking about the ancient stuff. But like Atlantis, I can't proove anything and not just anyone would know it. Still. 

I'm not getting off my side off the story. Vana just has been rude and it has been deserving what I've done. Even in modern days and something feels as if it still hasn't been enough but it's not a thing off common sense to go on. I just won't win anything if I keep on going on with them this way. And a good way off mutual respect just won't do it as they have never shown any respect towards me. I have tried a few times but it didn't work. 

It's not right with them and they are wrong and always have been. That's what it comes down to. I see them as a bunch off prissys not answering me on things that deserve respect and attention. I don't trust them anymore nowadays. They have never shown being trustworthy towards me to begin with. You wish my trust, you have to show you're trustworthy. You don't, you don't have my trust. It's sometimes that simple. I don't know why I'm on to them this day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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