maandag 21 juni 2021

A point off clarity

Good evening everyone, 

Today it's rainy and cloudy. Not much off a day for midsummer. It's a pity for those who think off that day as important. It's the start off summer today. 


Sometimes it's all resolving around a certain point off clearness. A wish, a spell, a star- It's sometimes as bright and clear as it is in all it's simplicity and it lacks creativity, I'm sorry to say, but it's a thing that's available for everyone, no matter how rich or poor. A star. The point where the wish becomes real, the spell is bound and starts to work, and the star is a point to be seen at night. It's simplicity at it's finest, but therefore also one off the mose effective things in the world. The point where an idea becomes in motion and starts to become valid for people. It's a point off my own philosophy, I like this point. It's beautifull and strong. It's where everything else we consider important, or noble, or otherwise 'high.' is left out and all that matters is that point. It's not necessairily a sexual point. It's not ment for that metaphore, it's merely for wishes and dreams. The point where it all comes to be. 

It's as easy and simple and therefore as bright and pure as said before. It doesn't take a lot off nonsense, it just -is-. 

Wishes and dreams are often set in motion and aren't surrounded by a point off clarity in real life. But that might be too vague for most people. The point off clarity is where it all comes togheter and 'Happens.' I like the philosophy off that point. 

Allright, that's about it for now- Thank you for reading.   

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