maandag 7 juni 2021

Good evening at the 7th off June, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was warm, summer and sunny weather. It's a promise to summer the weather is increasing the upcomming month according to forecasts. I like the weather despite being very sensitive for incredible sunburns. I love it being light outside longer and the general vibe off summer compared to winter this year. I have been moody and soaked out all winter like you might know. But summer does well on me. I hope we'll keep this type off weather for a long time. At least untill mid september and have a real ass summer. 


Today was for making a nice necklace, which was bought by one off the people from my healthcare staff for her granddaughter. 

It's a necklace with three groups off smileys on each side with pink beads in diffrent shades in between. It's fun, it's uplifting, it's something a 4 year old would probably love and I believe I made a 4 year old girl happy with it. I re-did some parts off this for about two times untill I was compete with it. I did my best on making it look well alltogheter and I got paid for it. Only 3 euro's because I keep my prices low because 1. It's a crisis, 2. People in healthcare are on low money and 3. I like to stay fair and affordable with my jewelry these days, or give them away to our outlet for free so they can decide what price they ask and I feel happy by it. That's because I could practice my jewelry making skills with their materials. I had a voice in my head saying 'This prevents visual poverty.' ('Visuele armoede.' - Echt zo'n rare ouderwetse zin waar alleen een stem mee kan komen volgens mij) By keeping my prices low, people with low money can afford it and look fancy. (The logic behind this all.) Though I don't want to sound too rude about it. It can be a sensitive thing to be poor. I'm not rich myself, I hate to think about that. I'm not bankrupt but I have to keep on watching what I spend most off the time. 

 About the necklece, again. The smiley beads with the 'red hats and neck ruffles' representing beads where just too good as a match alltogheter to resist, so when I saw that I decided on creating something. I haven't made jewelry in a long time I believe. I have been mending a few earrings alltogheter lately and that was probably about it for that in months. I'm glad I gave myself the opportunity to create something like this again. Life is getting better now it's sunny outside. There is something in the air I believe. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.    

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