zaterdag 19 juni 2021

The end off days isn't near, so behave well.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Some people are on about the appocalyps, while some just believe we are landed in the end-time nowadays, so what do we have to loose? YOLO! (that's more what modern youth believes, but some older people do it just as well.) 

Some people like to believe we live near the appocalypse and the world will end. That's why they act less responsible and act a bit immature towards life. 'What do we have to loose in the end?' - I don't think so. The end off the world and society is not anywhere near yet. Life might have just begun. We are the continueing off an ancient story. I shouldn't make this any more wordy than it is and sometimes it's as simple as this. I don't believe we live near the end off the world. So- get back to responsible. (!!!) Don't fool around and think it's not on you. You are responsible for your life and how you live it. It could end tomorrow, it could end within a hundred years, but that's you. YOUR life has a short term off being. It's better to make most off it instead off letting it go by without doing your utmost best. I believe in it. 

I don't believe in not giving a fuck or not caring in general. That doesn't do it. People are impossible and yet you should do your best for people as it gives a more fullfilling feeling instead off emptiness. I swear by it. I can recommend that to everyone. Nowadays there is something in my way called control off others. I think that matter has killed many people- having no control over a situation and being victims to what's happening in the world around them. Is that called evolution? For example, a super power nation going to war with another one and killing people is a matter off circumstances people suffer from and die by. Flood, fire, tornadoes and earthquicks are a matter off circumstances. It's something people die from. But it's not the end off the world for most people. You have to get up and try again. Give it your best each day. 

I may sound easy and I'm probably the first to need this advice nowadays as I'm stuck and bored. My old abillity to help people is gone at the moment. Giving it your best is one off the hardest things to do when you feel like that. I have both issues in me and I wish my best side would help me out. It just isn't there at the moment still I like to overthink it. Give it your best and stand up again. I just wish I would have a way doing that. Out off just ourselves doing the best in life is hard to do either.  Sometimes it's hard to stick to the good, enlightned side that way. I'm likely to held over to my inner darkness either and think less nice than I used to because off being stuck. Sometimes I have issues with my thoughts to be dark. I don't mean the funny / acceptable darkness some people have, but the real evil stuff that comes to my mind nowadays. That's not a good thing. Just when you thought you have survived the edge, you are pushed even more over it. Just for these month, I have become uncontent with life compared to it a few years ago. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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