Good evening everyone,
It's been dark and gloomy weather all day. It's been even misty from raining this morning. I didn't know that was possible. It's something you only see in movies: When there's such rain the lines blurr and everythng becomes misty and vague.
I have something positive and original in mind. What if a studied through Emeritus professor from a university in the field off war and foreign politics advises against participating in the war for the Union, and for the presidents simply to take that advice very serious? Simply there will be no NATO-war due to his utmost serious, well-thought out advice simply because off nuclear threat? What if we had such a professor, all presidents and Ursula von der Leyen would listen to? And for the war simply to stop because a council off professors and scientists would advice against it. 'It's not the smartest thing to do.' And they will simply end it then and there, without further escalation. I think I'm very naive, optimistic and maybe day-dreaming about the scenario. I'm thinking off a '70's professor with a mustache and glasses. A vintage suit and smoking cigars to the matter. These well-thought out types probably don't excist anymore. Thinking out bad situations with daydreams is something bad about me. It's then I myself become optimistic, or simply had enough off all the bad and my endings become dream-like. But sure, what if?
Another thing, what could people use nowadays? A bit off feel-good, vintage comfort cooking! So probably a well-read magazine receipe for cheap semolina pudding from a vintage pudding mold with berry lemonade as it's sauce. Something achievable from grandma's age. With a beautyfull, glossy, shiny pudding situated on a perfect picture in a nice article. Griesmeel pudding! Something to pass through a boring weekend. On a budget, kid- friendly and bursting with that nostalgia we all crave these days. It's not expensive. I could advice it to anyone wishing for a mind set- off and a great dessert during the weekend. A nice ending to a family dinner. Something to keep up our spirits with.
I have been making Brocoli-Zuchinni soup this week for Wednesday Soup at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. With small cubes off ham I baked in a frying pan before adjusting. My soup had several green herbs from de Boed's pantry in it. Today we had a left over from it. de Boed pays all ingredients when I'm preparing Wednesday Soup. I picked it up again some time ago. This week's soup is a speciality off mine and was well-received by fellow clients and staff. I don't know if we can declare Zuchinni soup out off fashion already. It's been a food trend during my younger days and I'm not aware off what's in fashion for food anymore. But dressed up like my version, it still goes in perfectly. They don't care. To them it's probably not out-dated, old as they are. But they love the soup. It gives me a feeling off appreciation. And I love the 'It doesn't matter, we love it.' - feeling that comes from them and this work. Everyone should have that somewhere. The sincere feeling off never to be found stupid and outdated simply because they're still loved for what they do. 💖 I think we all deserve that.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.