Good afternoon everyone,
Today it's cold, grey and cloudy in the Netherlands.
It's the last Saturday off the year. I decided on to end the last weekend off the year perfectly groomed and washed. I wanted to be fresh this morning. So I showered after watching Netflix. Someone from care staff fixed my Netflix update for me, and I have been watching this morning instead off overthinking the world too much. It's going to safe my soul this winter when it's cold and dreary outside.
I was up quite early, around 05.45, but Netflix helped me through to it.
Sometimes the proof off the pudding is in the eating, according to the classic saying. We're at a point where price increasement has become so much, I can't afford to stuff my storage room with shower stuff anymore as often as I would like, so it's a matter off using it up now and see how far I will come with it. And if it's true the crisis will end soon. Maybe I'm just the biggest charlatan out there for sharing a good vision about the crisis and the future with you. Maybe it doesn't come true at all. But my visions are true enough to me to take serious. And I have been sharing a true vision about a war going on during these years, with Russia, about 11 years ago, on the Vana Events forum before they became my worst enemies. They took down the forum, so people can't see it anymore. But my vision came true. I can look in the future sometimes. It's just that nobody can see that forum post anymore. So I have no actuall proof off that, and this entire thing may seem a bit vague to you.
So now it's simply using up that big fat storage room and see how far it will get. I can speak off luck to live in a country where everything is provided a human can need. It's just a waste in my opinion everything has become so insanely expensive most people can't afford it anymore, and it just rots away from storage shelves, or so it seems. Since nobody buys it anymore. Maybe I just have been smart with what I have done. I have stock for quite some time now. I'm good for now. The last donation off handsoap was yesterday. They had hansoap on a discount, I purchased it, it arrived, and I donated a bottle off it in the give away closet down the hallway. Dettol lavender handsoap, and I think the person who found it is gratefull. There live a lot off poor people in this building.
A good way off starting the new year is by washing bed cloth, and I mean the entire duvet and the pillows. I've read on the internet you should wash it every half a year, so I decided on to do so. Next week I have to again. There's something to say for a fresh bed every beginning off January. And coffee with an elderly friend off mine who also lives here. Just in my cozy home, so he doesn't has to travel far for someone his age. It's an old, retired zoo keeper who can play guitar like the best, who had me for coffee recently, so now it's my turn. It sounds like a good start off the year.
Looking for something good to listen to? I got that song for you which makes almost everyone in the Netherlands somehow feels nostalgic to a time they never lived in:
The instrumental parts makes everyone feel connected to the end off the 19th century, beginning off the 20th century somehow. If you're in for that, it's a good listen.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.