donderdag 30 mei 2024

Good morning at the 30th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's cloudy and somewhat cold this morning. 


'The century is lost.' No, the century isn't lost. The world will overcome, it's just that the future statistics for this entire century in the Netherlands are win for VVD and right winged parties. I have seen statistics in a vision that say it's all been right winged, and it's right winged frumpy and decent in the future for this century. But we will all be rich again one day. 

Well, it's just how you see 'lost.' The left never came to power in those statistics. I felt annoyed by it at first, but like with everything, It's best for me not to feel shocked. If you believe in left winged politics and morals, this entire century is not going to be it for you. It's all 'tuttig.' It's going to be one tut off a century. But after the war. Feminin, but not emancipated. Let's put it like that. And the blondes will come back in fashion, and sometimes centuries are already set and we just have to follow our roles. That's big part off being human: Following THE major plan that's set out for us, and there's no escape for most. 

It's not going to be a bad centrury, it's just that it's frumpy, and it keeps to right winged ideals most. But the world is not lost. This war is NOT the endgame for the world. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


woensdag 29 mei 2024

Good evening at the 29th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning was rainy, but right now we've got sunshine. 


Tonight I felt energy to cook, and it should make it to the headlines. I prepared boiled string beans, (Boiled in vegetable broth) boiled potatoes, and marinaded bacon. 

I have left for tomorrow, and I ended it with vanilla vla. (The cheapest I could find.) String beans and bacon was on a discount this week at the local supermarket, and it's sided with tap water. It's not much, but bringing the bacon to taste was a good idea. I'm glad I found the energy somewhere, though the kitchen is still such a mess. I'm glad I don't have more mouth to feed. But it's enough for today and tomorrow. 

And my nails could pass as 'green statement.' The way they are. I got complimented on them throughout the day. It's not the end off the world for nails to be green- feiry like, so to say. I should relativate. Not over-act on fashion, or what you should wear or not. I already stress enough. And my mental nurse says it's 'Best not to make trouble where it's not there.' 'Don't make trouble which isn't there.' 'Geen problemen maken die er niet zijn!' Among those lines. It's fine to look cool. And it was matching my dark green longsleeve. So it wasn't so bad. I'm forgiving myself, my nerves would do hard otherwise. My nerves are already doing hard. Though I regret the idea off 'To let your inner fairy.' A bit. It's maybe a bit too much for now. I slept on it, and maybe it's a bit stupid to let her out in public for now. 'Let your inner fairy out.' And start to sparkle... there's just no space for it so I sense. So I believe. 

 Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Edit: I did the dishes, now my kitchencounter top is tidy. Though the rest off the home is still a mess. 

Good morning at the 29th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's quite rainy. 


This morning, I awoke with new energy after my afternoon sight-seeing in Amsterdam, and decided I could clean the kitchen. It's washed up, finally, and I put some bacon in a marinade for tonight's dinner. I think I needed the fresh Amsterdam energy, to have done something and I smuggled with my nails. I was like: 'Let your inner fairy out more....' And then put on inner Peas green from Essence, with some Christmas glitter topcoat I still own. So I got soft green nails with glitter today. It's not the serious statement wear you're supposed to do these days. But I just felt 'Let your inner fairy out more.' yesterday. Maybe it's something to be entirely done after the war is over, and fashion isn't supposed to be so serious and appropriate anymore. Be an Amsterdam street fairy, inspired by foreign cultures. With dangling earrings and big Indian skirts. And long, half-do hair. I love the style, I love the idea. Some foreign women inspired me while being out on the streets yesterday, but their style might be a bit too cheerfull for these days. After the war and the crisis, I'll let my inner Indian woman out, and enjoy that style for a while. But on sneakers and with a jeans jacket- since those are comfortable. All rainforest Asian cultures love that. Colourfull, feminin clothes. And I don't dislike some colourfull Asian take on clothes. It's really awesome. 

For now I got green glitter nails. I won't be looked down upon for it, and I think I'll keep them untill they're done. But how to explain 'Let your inner fairy out.' To care takers? I think I needed all off that for some fresh mental air, to be capable to do some wash up and cooking today. I don't like the rigid. I can be serious for a while, but after a while... I don't like to walk 'in line.' for too long. I need fresh mental air and inspiration. Let's keep those nails for now, and let's keep the energy off fresh air for today. To stay more on the right path, it's not innapropriate. I can make my outfit really plain and simple and normal, with those nails as a stand-out, and I hope the world will not mind too much.

It will be such a blast for a man who wishes to keep me in the home all the time, who wishes to keep me under controll. I don't lend myself to that, since that's too uncomfortable. Jealouse, frustrated guys have nothing to seek in me. I'm faithfull, but I need to be out every often. Have my life. The main reason for me to have behaved this well inside, was sickness and blockades. The kinda mental drowsyness and unstableness that forces me to be inside. But it itches and frustrates. I prefer trips to other places, shopping and the colourfull every now and then. But doesn't everyone? 

I'm off to places more often, if my health allowes. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


dinsdag 28 mei 2024

Good evening at the 28th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's rainy this evening. 


Today was for a small trip to Amsterdam, it's nearby and I can reach it by public transport. It was fun being there and walking around, taking some cool pictures. 

I had quite fun, and had some Starbucks FrappΓ© on forehand. This afternoon wasn't too bad. It was by far not boring and bourgeoise, but finally something fun again. 

I think I'm not over with Ed yet, everytime I think about him, my mind crushes harder on it than the slush puppy machine. Making a soft drink out off the hard ice. He's sooo interesting. But I can't. I never could and I never will be able to be with him. I'm not a man, I can't be in denial. That'd be too harsh. I can enjoy these warm, fuzzy feelings. But I can't go after them. Sexy Ed, with the interesting take on life...  And me, a psychiatric patient with a delusional crush. (I suppose it's delusional.) But at least the day was good. It was nice weather in Amsterdam, I hadn't been there for a long while. And the FrappΓ© was good. Though they wrote my name wrong on it... 

Starbucks employees should take a course in understanding names correctly. Or I should pronounce more clear. I don't know what it was. 

I have been checking out fashion on the streets off Amsterdam. It's mainly black, simplistic and a lot off denim. Jeans and jeans jackets for almost everyone. It's the early 00's but somber. (I think it let it describe that way.) And with more natural and simple make-up. As if this is the Karma to the 00's to have been too cheerfull. Too bright and loud. But people seemed tolerant and nice. They did not mind about me being fat in public.  I had no nasty comments on myself. So it's a big plus to today. Amsterdam is tolerant. For someone with a crush, I could make more work off myself, I wasn't even washed. But I'm trying to get over with it. I had Domino's pizza for dinner tonight. I'm still not well enough to cook. I decided, if I don't look shamefull in public, it's enough,- I'm going to reject and not make a circus out off it. 

It's as if the world in Amsterdam agrees on that. 'Let's look not too shamefull, but not fancy anymore.' We come out off an era with such luxurious looks, it's something to mention about people. Maybe they're all about to reject their crush... maybe it's a mass hype. But that's just a silly thought I have. 'Appropriate, somber 00's, humble, black, jeans.' And nothing too fancy. That's how it let it be descripted. I think fashion is not hard these days. But that's my opinion. People are aware it's a crisis. But at least they don't look streetbrick- poor and ungroomed. I just had to see for myself how people looked. It was a good day. 

I'm going to end this weblog here, otherwise it's a lot to read. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

maandag 27 mei 2024

Good evening at the 27th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This afternoon was sunny. Almost a bit too sharp for me. 


I don't feel well, the kitchen is a mess and I've eaten peanutbutter-honey sandwiches for dinner. I decided to spend my evening in bed. I'm too lame for something else. 

I'm not doing well. All the war-stress kinda shows through and messes me up. Though I'm safe and sane on a distance from the front, it still stresses me out. I even see skeletons for visions. Scary, ghost-like skeletons. It's frightfull. It must have some meaning, and my visions get more blurry by day. It's off and it doesn't do well for my well-being. I feel bad. I spoke it through with psychiatric aid. Like those relational delusions, it's getting too much and it's nasty at the moment. 

I can't speak off a bright future so far. I can't see it well. It's messing with me. It's not my visions, but my delusions that take the best off me at the moment. And skeletons this scary are not usuall. Being stressed this much is not usuall. 

I think I'm too lame for a tradwife, otherwise I would have cleaned the kitchen and prepared a meal, now I feel so nasty all the time. Such a refreshing conclusion. I'm not your wee pretty housewife, so it seems. I'm just a mad, messed up girl at the moment. The home is a mess, and I could be fed better. And my mind hurts. Maybe I should tell health care about the skeletons. I haven't told them so far. These really seemed scary and ghost-like. 

I believe I'm too soft for war-time visions. They are sooo terrible. I have seen two big scary skeletons so far this week. It's why it's so blurry, probably. Maybe I should not interfere with it, for my own sake. And what it shows... It's just too much. 😣  Really, mankind... 

Sometimes I'm into UFO's, but that's not easy either, wondering what planet I do come from, but psychiatric aid keeps me from over-thinking that. I have to distract myself to get back to the normal, they say. In every case. I fly away on UFO's with Edo as a voice over. The elder man I thought I was into. Untill it's all dry and the feeling is gone sometimes. I think it's sincere nonsense, just like the relational deluisions. I have to drag myself back to the here and now from psychiatric aid. It's all a bit too much at the moment. The UFO's and the skeletons are not real. I think I can tell you that. But it's hard and scary. What kind off discusion would Ed and I have, if I would try to talk this through with him? I think he would not accept, or take serious, and it's not helpfull. (Ed is not his real name.) I think it can be even dangerous. I'm gratefull I'm a psychiatric patient in health care without children, who can have a messy home and eat bread for dinner when it's too bad. No one truly suffers from it, but me. 

I wish I had a new chance, a better life, reincarnation from this, since this is just too shamefull to appear to god like this as 'the endgame.' for me. I'm no good. I try to be a good person, but I'm not good enough for myself. I have never done anything wrong in love or lust, and I haven't commited crimes. It's just that I could do so much better if I wasn't a psychiatric patient. And Ed is sweet and cool, but I'm trying to get over with him. I'm not going after him I decided. It's nice, safe and cool inside my own home. He's a lusty macho, with an interesting take on life, probably. But nothing more than that. It's impossible for the weak like me. Just like studying and a career. I feel too lame for it, and I 'sense.' it's better to stay out off his business. 

Though I can own a masterpiece nowadays. But it's something to show you later on. It's the Jubilee loaf pan by Nordic Ware. πŸ’– More expensive than an entire street off bricks, probably. It almost 'asks.' to be filled with chocolate cake. πŸ’– There's nothing more fancy in the whole wide world at this moment for me, I swear. I'm a crazy old spinster with a hobby. But at least I'm a wealthy crazy old spinster. I hope they won't come after me for the luxury it shines through. I'm not upperclass, but sometimes I think Top Class Nordic Ware is almost too much during these times. It arrived today. I probably will show you the results with it proudly on here. πŸ’– 

Maybe I will clean the kitchen tomorrow, in an attempt to feel less lame. But I can't promise myself to keep to that, Empty thrash bins, do the dishes, clean the counter top, and then meal preparation tomorrow evening. Really, it's a blessing not even owning a dog to feed. That'd be just irresponsible. 

Best thing I did today was probably clipping and filing my nails to be tidy. Clean, tidy hands. And putting on skinny mascara and removing it from my lashes this evening. I was quite precise with it. Other than that, just coffee at de Boed's terrace for today's activity and calling psychiatric aid to inform them. I'm sooo stressed. It's a fashion trend to paint your nails red. To match the 'Everything red' - trend, According to several fashion magazines online like Vogue and Cosmopolitan. (Sometimes I google 'what's on trend.' 'What's in fashion spring/fall/summer/winter 2024 ' 'Trend colour summer 2024' ) I just didn't simply because most girls don't. I'm someone who adapts to fashion, and what she sees among others or out on the street. Most women here don't paint their nails. Just clip and file. But that's for Zaanstad, where most off us are poor. I still have nail polish in my drawer. I could paint them black, so to say, to adapt to the dark and dreary fashion trends for this summer. It's like they put winter trends in fashion in summer this year, to be appropriate for these dark and dreary times. It's depressing. I decided to mildly follow fashion some time ago. It's not too bad on me. Even a mud-fat plus size woman like me can do it. πŸ˜‰ It's because fashion is easy nowadays. Or is it just me? But most off the time it's simple clothes I struggle to keep clean. I'm glad I can replace when something's got a stain. But following fashion is almost fun when it's simple. About 5 years ago, it was more difficult and pricey. 

It adds something to life to do so. It's less dull to follow fashion. It's cool to have statement hair and wear red lipstick. It doesn't do bad for me. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


Good afternoon at the 27th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's changing and somewhat warm, and merely cloudy. 


I think the new cabinet, ruled by Wilders, should solve issues first in the Netherlands, before focusing on peace in Ukraine. Solve the housing crisis, then inflation, then assylum seekers, and then on behave it can become peace in Ukraine, but they should not make it the main source off why it can't be solved. Just like the Nitrogen in structure. 

This country should be strong enough to hold it's own pants and solve issues without depending on world problems too much. Solve! Solve! They're about to skip on nitrogen rules, so let them build homes for everyone FIRST thing. It's why assylum seekers are blamed for everything, because they have such a priority to the frustrated others. People are downright frustrated about there being no homes. It's THE main issue in this country, and it's the main issue that has to be solved by the crisis cabinet, peace in Ukraine should be capable to fall on behave, but solving issues should be able even without there ever to be peace in Ukraine again. We are supposed to be that strong off a nation. Not this big fat mess. I wish to see a cabinet which actually does solve the issues. Not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk. That's how strong the Netherlands is supposed to be, and how it was somewhere in a land before time. That's why people voted PVV massively. (I have to see first if they are capable to solve it to begin with, I don't trust them. But most ordinairy people think high off them.) 

Solve the mess! Solve! And don't let it await for another four years! Wilders shows through authority which they missed the previous years. But now we have to see. And we HAVE to see and let it be truly solved. A country which we can depend on, even without peace in Ukraine, at all. That's how strong it should be. Even if it means financial losses. The government should owe up for it, but then at least the home crisis is truly solved and people can live and make future plans again. This is going nowhere and drives us to even more despair. Finances don't go before people. If they want to do something, let them do that. And point two should be that inflation. But I have to think it out first. Companies are SO selfish and profit focused, If we wish to make the market fair, it's when we can solve the crisis, we have to wage a war with them. Mindset? Ego? Wolves? I don't know. It's just that the government doesn't behold on them so we can't decide what they do. But companies who don't focus on monster war profit, but on taming down mundial inflation, are barely there. If at all. Profit marges on the index fair have never been so high, and they can easily keep the prices more acceptable. But they don't do so. AEX, Wallstreet, Dow Jones, have never looked better. But they don't share anything off it with the common people. They could easily oppress mass inflation. It's just that they are monstrously greedy. The government should have more to say about it. We can't demand anything from those heartless companies. I don't know if it's the key to solving, but it should be done even without there ever being a chance off peace in Ukraine again. In the days off Theodore Roosevelt, when companies still had to listen to the government, this would have been much easier. 

And THEN the assylum seekers. Own peole first, they're national socialists, let them live up to that ideal. (Allright, that's enough joked about it.) Something should be done about it, and even I agree 'full is full.' But we should not cut them down in their rights and we should send them back to safe countries where they are welcome, since it's not capable here. No point off discusion, it simply can't since it's too full. It may come off rude, but it's the truth off the day. We are a too full country. It's nasty to have escaped war and oppression, but this country is too small for all off them. I'm not racist, or against human rights, but even I can tell we're full. It's too crowded in assylum centres, and they should not opt for detention. So Yes, we should send them to countries where there is space for them. Where they are welcome, and where they can live. Since this is horrendous for everyone. SO yes, a strict immigration policy for the Netherlands. Full is full. And I can't deny that, wrong as it sounds. 

These three headlines are the main struggle off the people nowadays. If they can solve it, they can solve the Netherlands. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 25th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today the weather was cloudy and changing. 


I'm going to do something strange: I'm going to congratulate Mark van der Stelt on his new marriage, and I'm honest. It's granted, man, congratulations. 

While Natasha gave me the impression off a venomous snake with the standards off Peggy Bundy from Married with Children with a cold heart I simply hated, this one seems much nicer. After all, Mark is not in love with me, but it doesn't matter. I'm fan off everything that bans the poisonous snakes. I was in SUCH a catfight with Natasha. But his new wife seems nice. 

I just think I can't stand being at Vana Events anymore after so much pain I went through. It has hurt a lot. And I can't stand looking at Mark's facebook for too long, but it's good for people to have so much public information posted on the internet. At least I'm informed. And I'm a good sport, So congrats! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good afternoon at the 25th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is somewhat warm, changing clouds and raining every now and then. 


Today is for taking it easy with dinner, I'm opting for a supermarket meal salad, purchased prepared. I'm not doing so well this evening. This entire weekend ever since Friday, and I can't explain. I did prepare a raisin quark cake with a squeeze off honey, though. 

It's from package, not from scrarch, but tomorrow we'll have something nice with our afternoon coffee. It's not much, but it's what I could do for them. I dusted it with icing sugar, and I found the cake mold among baking items I forgot I owned, just a plain cake mold, I believe I once got it from someone (A neighbour?) as a small gift. I wanted to try it, and try honey adjusted to this cake receipe. 

It's not a crisis tip, the ingredients can be seen as pricey. Though a package off quark cake is cheap in my opinion, and quark or yoghurt and eggs (The only two other ingredients for this package) are something people can have left from time to time, so it lends itself for nice baking every often. And this doesn't contain 500 grams off raisins, but raisins and honey aren't cheap either. So it's not a crisis tip. You can merely see it as 'just a common tip.' Or maybe for 'when the crisis is over.' - tip, though I believe we have to await that for some time. But this cake is perfect comfort with a cup off coffee tomorrow. 

I cleaned my kitchen afterwards. It's strange how I could do this. But meal preparation is off for the entire weekend, and tomorrow will be for pre-packed ready to stir-fry freezer pasta. Ready meals that are not cheap, but which are SO incredibly easy, it's great for a mental patient with turbulence. Aviko or Iglo brand meals. Not bad in taste, and somewhat healthy even. Yesterday was for freezer pizza. I simply don't feel well enough to cook. Sometimes I have to deal with myself, and accept I'm a mental patient with too much turbulence in her mind to be a star in the kitchen every day. See, this world and my head are bad and complicated enough without war and crisis. So, meal salad with a left over quark and a squeeze off honey in it for dessert. Despite all off it, I try to be healthy. My head hurts and itches. And I think I'm about to die all the time. I don't want to die, I enjoy life, but I can't help it. Inside it hurts a lot and it's hard. I'm a bit off inside with it. 

That's my day for today. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


vrijdag 24 mei 2024

Good evening at the 24th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cloudy and acceptable today. 


I do hard with it myself, I'm stressing over it, but this crisis and war won't take forever, and the world will not be destroyed by it. It's terrible to mention we're stuck with poverty for over 10 years, but it's NOT forever. But we'll probably be a bit older when it ends. 

Crisis tip: Let the music in your cozy home be very good! No matter what that means to you, but crisis and bad emotions are more bearable with a cozy home, and very good music. It's favorable to let it be old hits nowadays, and I agree with it. I love it, but that's due to my parents also listening to it back at home. And modern music is bad. I like the classics being edgy nowadays. And young people swearing by it. It should not take too long, since it doesn't do good for the improvement off this world, but it's crisis and there's no money to develop better and more than we already have. (That's what I think when I see them liking old stuff or putting it in fashion again.) 

But back to point: Let the music you play be very good. It even helps psychiatric patients cope with things. it's a NEED! Like breathing or washing or water, even. Human beings NEED music, especially during these hard days. It's been my hold on to back at home either. It's what I said to myself when this began: 'As long as the home is cozy our style, and the music is good, I can make it through.' 

And another tip, comfortable sleepwear doesn't has to cost much. Zeeman, ACTION, The bargain bin to the local supermarket- all acceptable, and it doesn't matter if it's not fancy these days. If it sleeps well, it sleeps well. Counts also for night wear. Just a plain shirt and pyjama pants are good enough. I'm just like a man when it comes to that. It doesn't matter much nowadays to me. It doesn't has to cost a billion dollar or euro's to sleep well. Cheap feels like heaven just as good. And in my case, a Teddy Bear. I'm a single woman in her 30's. I own a few stuffed animals displayed on top off a case, but I also got a nice Teddy Bear siding me in bed. I got it from mom as a present a few years ago. I think it doesn't matter who we are, or how old we are- a bear stuffed animal these days can be such a comfort. A cute plush bear or other animal is a good idea for comfort. And like everything: It can be as expensive or cheap as you make it. 

But given it's war time, and they are messing with the energy, make sure you have a few good blankets on hand. For winter, for cold, for when they shut down the energy entirely, make sure you can be warm and invest in blankets. As warm as you can imagine. Warm Pyjama's, vests or sweaters for in bed, socks for in bed- it's something to take for granted for ice cold winters when there's no money or there's no energy at all available. 

I personally don't mind if it's not charming, I have the habit off sleeping with goat wool socks and knit Norwegian sweaters in bed when it's ice cold winter. Warm is warm. Though my items look cute in a geeky way, but it's my personal liking. Really, it's almost Murphy's law when they shut down the energy and there will be blizzards coming our way. (It's not a prediction, it's just a 'Ya know, how those things always go.' Kinda wisdom.)  It's kinda early on, and it may sound a bit like a nagging old lady, but maybe it's something to take for granted before it's too late. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good afternoon at the 24th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloucy yet warm swamp weather. 


I have read future history books which keep on reporting the Russia-Ukraine war ended in 2028. And Cetan will fall at 07-06-2027, somewhere in a Ukraine meadow. 

I think it's good to take count off such a long take for the war, and prepare yourselves for it. It's not safe for people to think otherwise. 2026 is a trap! And beware, some might think 2026 it will truly end. But that's prognosis. 

It will be 4 more years off war for The World, and I keep on seeing Trump winning the American elections all the time. We'll be off desperate afterwards. And for poor people, it can take even longer to get up again. Since the crisis will end in 2032. But we can keep on having trouble with it untill 35 or 36 even. 

It's difficult to pinpoint on the end and certain dates. But nuclear bombs will fall, and it will all be blown up in the end, and we have a big chance off losing this war and going down in history with big shame. It's going to happen. I keep on thinking 'they will think SO low off us later on.' 

Sometimes I have the voice off a Metal Grumpy in my head 'Great you keep on telling damnation, since we are all going to hell...' But this is for real, and not some sort off Metal game. Be prepared it's the REAL THING. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

donderdag 23 mei 2024

Good morning at the 23th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today turned out cloudy and windy. Not bright at all. 


Maybe it's not cheap, but I had a good idea for sandwich topping: 

It's plain brown sandwich bread with peanutbutter with chunks off peanut, and honey on top. I love these. The honey makes it pricey, but it's a good combination. It's just a suggestion you can try and it's tasty. 

This morning, I was awake at 4.00 AM, and then whent back to bed after I wrote my blog. I think I can be helpfull to people with tips and suggestions, especially during a crisis when life has to be low-key for people to come round. I don't know if it's off actuall use. That's up to the reader. And maybe I'm just noisy. Maybe people get fed up with it and think I'm too much into their business before getting violent and vreeting on shawarma again. But I think it can can be usefull. For the ordinairy, everyday people with good intentions. The vulgair, gaming shawarma vreeters where not poor to begin with, so I think I should not mind too much about them. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


Good morning at the 23th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's promising to become a nice day today when it comes to temperature. 

Why am I to be listned to when it comes to crisis advice? It might be a bit out off the air to some. 

Well, I have always been poor, but I could get by perfectly due to the help off the surrounding and with the lessons from my parents. It started as a teen, where I was unemployed and could never find a job due to the mundial bank-crisis and the extreme high standards and pressure off that era. And it works through here. It's as if I have 'studied' somehow my entire life for this crisis and I can't explain. Let's put my experience to use, instead off sitting it out like some cowardly chicken. πŸ˜‰ 

I'm not the best person in the world for tips off true sobriety. I love a cozy life with nice items and decorations, so I'm frugal up to a certain point. But I know how to overcome a crisis with normal sobriety. 

It requires to cook at home, to keep the home and items clean, to save out on items by conserving them all the time, not to wear a lot off make-up, make use off what you got, and a keen eye for good bargains. All off it being put in a creative way, you can even make it bearable and fun. 

The home you live in, for example, should be a cozy one if you are going to spend a lot off time in there. I didn't decorate with the latest trends, but with a timeless eye for items that could fit a 1920's-1930's-1960's home. And a modern light yet timeless twist adjusted to it. Since I'm a mental patient who doesn't go to places often, I need a cozy home to keep it fun in life for myself. If the home is cozy, that's step one. If you spend a lot off time at home due to frugalness, be sure it's worthit and decorated to your very liking and it's not too bad spending time in there. I could have shared this tip before Corona. It's not such a crime to be at home when you love your home. Not like, but really love how it looks inside. It makes many a crisis, mundial or personal, so much more doable. 

I've always took a lot off inspiration from the 1930's-1950's when it comes to books, movies and style. Not in my clothes, but for the stories I love and the movies I loved. It's a tip for this crisis. It's not expensive to follow that style. At least in my youth it was. If you keep out off the extreme right, there's nothing wrong with it. Disney has a lot off movies following that classic style recently. I love it, though I don't have Disney+, but I watch them at my mom's every often. It's the classics, but in a modern way so it's comfy. 

If you want a 'comfort.' tip: Death on the Nile, and Murder at the Orient express on Disney+. I love their take on the Agatha Christie classic. I have read Murder at the Orient express long ago, it's also a good book if you seek something to read. I do hard reading due to mental problems, but even I can appreciate the recent film. 

These are just some things I have to offer for good advice. I'm going to show a lot off my true soul if I talk about personal poverty, crisis tips and the old fashioned style I love. Things I often keep a bit vague for the audience. But maybe people got something onto it these days. The real me, the one with the damaged soul. The woman who can think 'crisis survival.' in an elegant way. I have to conceal a lot. Instead off calling Vana assholes all the time and whine, we're gonna talk something serious with this. And I hope you think I'm the right person to listen to. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


woensdag 22 mei 2024

Good evening at the 22th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cloudy and sweaty outside. 


I got another crisis idea for you, 

Simply to drink water instead off soft drinks or juices. 

This is one off my glasses filled with Dutch tap water. Tap water in the Netherlands is crystal clear, and perfect to drink. It doesn't cost extra money to drink it, and you can save out a lot off money on soft drinks and juices. I already do it. It's my main go-to drink when I want a refreshment. Learn to appreciate water, and save money.  I don't know if this is going to be a hard one on you, a lot off people swear by other drinks. To me, water came easily and it has been done easily. It might be a set off to you, addicted to expensive drinks. But I would say you can give it a try. It's for free and save, so please take my advice. πŸ˜‰To drink a lot off clear water is even healthy for you, so it doesn't do bad. 

I have inspiration for a lot off crisis tips. Take this from someone who has always been poor in her youth, but who used creativity to overcome. Sometimes I think them out here and now, and sometimes I also have good food ideas for this crisis. Still it takes to have an own home, and to own stuff. It's not like it takes nothing at all to follow these tips. It takes a few basic things, like kitchen items and kitchenware or things from give away shops to follow these advices. And I would not be ungratefull when someone donates items to you, for example. The placemat on this picture was donated to me a few years ago by mom. It takes soberness, and the will to live despite poverty. That's probably where it comes from. 

These pretty black bowls I found on a give away table a few years ago, and my cuttlery comes from mom and dad. She donated me it when replacing hers. During a crisis, it's a good idea not to spit down on second hand items. This is still an old factory town and we haven't won the lottery. I don't know if people are willing to take my advice to overcome poverty and crisis. But maybe it's a bit helpfull. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

Good afternoon at the 22th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cloudy but sweaty outside. 


I wish to share a cute crisis-idea with you. 

Simple tea biscuits in a cute cookie bin. I think it makes a cute decoration, or gift for holidays even, or simply an adjustment to your living room table, when prices are sky rockety high. I already had the bin in storage, I spend no money on it so far. It even makes a nice Christmas decoration, despite it being early on for Christmas this year. 

I know this is too plain and simple for 'The decadent normal.' But it's 2024, and we're at crisis. I'm not kidding, when I say cheap ass tea biscuits in a cute cookie bin. It's cheap, it's easy- it's not extravagant, it's appropriate, probably everything it needs to be. I'm going to serve these with my guest's tea or coffee, or for myself as an every now and then treat. 

Today I went to the nearby give away shop. I donated 5 euro's to them, (Which someone donated to me for baking.) and took three square plates with me. It's for that idea to bake square bundt cake, one day in the future, and put it on a square serving plate. I think I did well with that money, and I had something cool in return. Other than that, the day went by a bit boring. But it was a productive day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

zondag 19 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 19th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is sunny and bright, I even caught somewhat off a sunburn. 


I personally have the idea peace in Ukraine will be there in 2026. It shows most further scenario's. And most 'things' say it's that year. But will peace be truly upon us? That's a bit vague. To be honest, maybe something else will be after it which requires '2028.'. But for now, 2026 for the Ukraine war. 

It won't be in the very short term, but it won't be war forever. And I hope they will do something about those prices to food and supermarket items. It's not easy being on the rich side off poor. I'm poor, but I do get by. Some say I'm rich, while others claim I'm poor, it depends on where you are and who you ask. 

I wonder if there are really people who have died due to this crisis. Not due to the war, but really because they couldn't afford food or health care. I wish to see serious researches and marks. How high was the inflation? How many people did not get by or struggled? Have people actually died? But that's for later on after it took place. It's a massive subjects for students, history students, politics, statistics- anything. It should be looked at and studied a billion times over when times are better. But it's not over yet. I wish it would be done with honesty. And it needs to be published and open for the public. We need clear information about this time.  But we're still in the middle off it. It's just that this is NOT acceptable. NOT tolerable, NOT good. I hope my wish will be heard. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good morning at the 19th off May, 2024, 3.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's beautifull, bright weather this morning. 


I wish to share with you a prediction from Baba Vanga about this time, first about Baba Vanga 

Baba Vanga op Wikipedia

Baba Vanga English Wikipedia

It's not good to show off with other people's feathers. So let's share her prediction on here. 

She was a blind prophetes from Bulgaria who died in 1996, and she predicted the mundial food crisis for this era would end around 2025-2028. I personally don't know how much people are actually starving to death from hunger due to this crisis. But it will end, and it's not far away for it to end. 

It's supposed to be solved forever for now around those years. It's for me personally good enough to feel lightly optimistic about. But let's not cheer too early. We're in the middle off it, but it's predicted for it to be solved soon. 

I hope to have informed you about it for now- 

Allright, that's about it for now, - 

Thank you for reading. 

Good morning at the 19th off May, 2024, 2.

 Good morning everyone, 

The weather looks promising untill later on the day. It's going to be  perfect 'Just sit outside and have coffee on the terrace or at the backyard.' day, if you have acces to a backyard. Otherwise I can recomend the park or a bench outside. It's healthy for the Dutch to soak up some sunshine today.  


Best selling brands these days are house brands and B-brands, simply because they're cheap. Most big players on the market are not even sold to the common people. It's not in their budget. They will find a way not to go bankrupt, but the small boys make the big money these days. 

It's 6:11 in the morning, and I'm awake again. In my mom's living room with coffee. My period has ended. It was short, and it was little. But that's General Practice's concern. 

Cookies are not even baked anymore, it's just sand cookies people bake with their kids. Otherwise it's too expensive to even think off hobbyist cookie baking. 

I personally think off getting myself into French pastry making after this. French pastry is a delicate art on it's own when it comes to baking. I would like to learn flavours and techniques when the crisis is finally over and we can afford all off that again. Tarte au citron, Tarte au chocolate, Madeleines, almond cookies, Macrons, Tarte with pistachio and raspberries, and Franginpanne. It's such a honour to be capable to bake these. It's just that I can't afford them these days. It's flour, for example, if you really want to prepare a good French tartshell, is grounded and toasted almonds. Perfect home made Almond flour. But tell that to the Almonds, they're waaaaay too expensive these days. It's a baking ambition I have to improve myself in that field. I personally would like to adapt to a pistachio flavour in a Tarte, but that's my personal idea off something yummy. But it's just that I can't afford that for now. Maybe when I'm a nice old lady, tamed down in temper and all friendly to the world, I can go to the market for ingredients again and give it a try. It's a bit off practice I think. 

Just like good bread making, it's a baking art. Maybe these years, during the very crisis, I think I might get myself into baking fresh bread. It's a baking technique which requires money for whole wheats and grains if you want to prepare whole grain bread, or if you want to prepare white bread, just ordinairy flour. But that's not wholesome enough. I have to see how much they ask for wholesome grains for it. Otherwise it's just supermarket bread for me again. If baking bread would make it more affordable, I would do it. That's with it, actually. I just changed to cheap bread these days. Some people swear by home made bread, it's just that it's not common in the Netherlands. Supermarket bread here is off good quality and often cheap. People simply don't see the use to it. Though it has been a small food trend some time ago to bake it. Would I try or not try depends on prices. It's not necessairily an ambition to become good at it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



Good morning at the 19th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

According to the forecasts, it's going to be sunny, ending with rain today. 


I would like to take back my 'Christmas 2024' prediction for the end off the war in Ukraine, since it's a 'best case scenario.' And like I personally know, this world withholds worst case scenario's these years, so it's better to keep 2026 and 2028 in mind, and these next years will be as dark and depressing as an asshole. πŸ˜’

This world is full with charlatans and people who would like to predict the world too rosy coloured, while war and crisis demand a realistic take on it. So don't make any big plans for the future soon. Keep your money as sane as possible. I keep on saying that, since it can save lives. Please, don't finetune lives and situations on too positive. And take that advice for granted. Most things are simply not possible due to lack off money these years. 

Sometimes someone should say it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


zaterdag 18 mei 2024

Good evening at the 18th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This entire afternoon was sunny, but just now it started to rain. 


I have some sort off wild theory, that peace can come upon us after this Christmas, but that's the most early date for peace to break out, according to my visions, and then the world will be saved, and the Netherlands doesn't has to owe up for so much money anymore. After this Christmas, most early point possible. But then I'm a sheer bright optimist. πŸ˜’

It's due to something that has been in the news recently, but I can't conceal you what or why yet. I think it's too vague at this point, and I'm such a big trouble maker if it doesn't come true, and this theory is somewhat out off the air. But other than my visions, I have nothing that can be off help during a real crisis like this. I'm not usefull. I can't save the world. All I can have is a big mouth. πŸ˜’

Peace can be this year, if not, this was just a theory. It's something vague, something out off the air. It's not there yet, so I won't reveal. 

Though I can reveal to you that Essence make-up is this war's top seller for make-up. No Chanel, no Dior, no big fashion names, just cheap ass Essence make-up, and plain black longsleeves and jeans jackets are THE 'it' items, just like those saggy 90's jeans with wide leggs and a high waste which make asses look fat. I have vague thories about peace, but I know some fashion trends that defy this era, simply because it defies a war era because it's streetbrick-cheap. Later on, they are going to wonder 'what's wrong with this fashion.' If they don't realize it's been war.

Best selling Lipgloss, 

   Best selling eyeliner off the moment. I haven't figured out the liner on myself yet, that classic style is pretty hard to adjust for a common person. Most off the time, I see most women with just mascara. Why predicting trends? It's because it's so cheap! And unusual for styles to fall back on previous era's. But it's because it's war it's been like this. Cheap, already invented, humble, ageless- name it, it's this era, and it's because it's deep rotten crisis and war. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

Good morning at the 18th off May, 2024, 2.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's promising to become cloudy all day. 


Some people always acuse me off being jealouse, or onto something, or after their man, or simply a childish bitch. 

But honestly, I'm too normal, down to earth and too silly to be jealouse. Just silly old me is not noisy enough to be like most ladies. Or how a common woman is supposed to be. I don't do gossip, I'm not behind the elbows, I'm just very normal. Actually I'm not some sort off childish, jealouse witch. Maybe I'm a bit too plain for that. Usually I adapt to normal styles and a normal mentality. I rather be nice. And being real. 

Real people are to my personal preference. Over-acting is not me. Though I can be emotional and be a bit blunt in those emotions, especially when I was young I had that. But most off the time, I'm not to be messed with, but I'm silly enough to keep it sane, I think. Not some over-acting attention junk. 

People mis-judge me a lot. And I hate that. The real me doesn't actually display to those. How I feel inside is often overlooked. And I'm obese. They think I'm some sort off monster due to my weight. 

Actually I'm more down to earth than what most keep me for. I'm not an over-spending diva. Especially not in these murdurously expensive times. Maybe that will come back later, when everything is affordable again. I can't promise to stay sober, since I like shopping. But my sobriety can withstand a crisis. Not that I like it, but if it has to be done, I can do it. 

I'm more sane and normal than what some give me credit for, let's keep it at that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading 


Good morning at the 18th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's cold and cloudy in the Netherlands. 


I'm in mom's living room with a cup off coffee. I decided to spend the Pentecost weekend here. Often I do little stuff, and go little fun places. It's just that even during Corona I visited mom every often. So it's something I do. To keep good contact with close family. 

Yesterday, I painted my nails a soft pink pearl. It's not statement wear, or what's in fashion nowadays, but it's as pretty and nice and shiny as fairy wings. It's used to be more common. I needed a little air from all the somberness from these days. I'm used to pastels and shiny things in fashion. It may sound strange, but on a woman like me they do look good. It doesn't has the same effect as on a high blonde, but it still suits me to wear soft pinks, light blues and shiny sweet pinks. Princess- shades make me pretty. I think I can have most types off pink. But they're not in fashion anymore. But I seem to crave them every often. In a sane way, I don't wear a princess dress or a hoop skirt with it, but just nailpolish, studd earrings and shirts. I seem to crave these angelic colours these days. And they came for cheap. They are not expensive in those multipacks they came from. 

It's very early in the morning. My mom doesn't like to be awake this insane early, but I always seem to be lately. So I got out and decided to have coffee downstairs. It's something I can't help. I got such dramatic visions about the war, it's terrible. Am I to share them with you? It's INSANE! But I don't want to sound too crazy or too mad with it. I would like to point out it's awfull. It's mundial PTSS for most people, I will get traumatized by it, and we can count on a mass somberness after this is done. (That's also with the future Gothic- trend) It's going to be like that for years. It's not going to be easy.  

I would like to suggest to most, if you can only follow the headlines to the news, I would recommend that. Otherwise it's just bombing and destruction and war-crimes smudged on the news. Keep informed, but try not to dive in too deep. That's lethal. Not just the sensitive, I also think the moderate to normal can't take this kind off news. Not when it's shown to us in this long term. 

There's a hard task ahead to us. Be aware! Be warned! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 





vrijdag 17 mei 2024

Good afternoon at the 17th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy, but it's positive it's not too hot outside. 


I would like to come with a prognosis. I can see the next year will also be war in Ukraine, and crisis for the world, I'm talking about 2025. It's good to re-think future plans, and set back again if you already haven't done so. The prices will even increase, and it's as dark and depressing as a naked ass. It's not looking good. 

I think it's good to warn you against this, since I hope you've learned not to be too optimistic, and if someone hasn't already told you, I believe they should do so by now. Next year will be another year of shrinking economy, a dreary ambience and sky high prices and news about war. I also think they will do that thing with an early Easter again. Easter wasn't at the first full moon off spring weekend this year, and next year they will also do that. I just don't know the very reason, but the government does that and it has to do with the Ukraine war. Not with the moon or religion. It's a strategy they have thought out.  

Next year will be defying. Will we go to fight or not? If it passes by like this, with a massive crisis being on, you will start to hear the government about it. I just don't know wheter we are going to fight, or not. I have to see how this year, with the American elections, and the next year, enrolls, but it's a turning point if the war and the crisis continues. 

And inflation will only be higher and higher. up to 21%, officially. And there won't be an end to the cool blonde and red lipstick trend. And we still crave the 20th century old fashioned next year. The classic look, saturated in 90's gravy-light. Things that don't cost money to develop, since they already excist. 

I have a nice recomendation: Essence Princess false lash mascara waterproof. 

It's a cheap mascara I kept on hearing as 'The top selling mascara off this era.' Like, THE number one. It's about to become history as it beats brands like Chanel and Charlotte Tilbury, since people simply don't have more money than this. I tried it myself once I saw it, and to be honest. There's nothing wrong with it. It's good mascara for it's price. (3 to 4 euro's) It's nice, your eyes look good, and it doesn't clump. I'm not paid to do advertisement, I just would like to point out to you that this mascara will become history. 

And it's to my personal liking, since Essence cosmetics doesn't test on animals. I'm a cruelty-free person ever since I started wearing make-up as a teen. And it's good for it's price class. 

We will also see where they will be onto the 'celebrate your natural beauty.' - trend, since it's perfect for a crisis. If you don't have a hair colour that doesn't lend itself for cool blonde, that's not a problem. It's your personal beauty. As long as you groom yourself and make sure you look taken care off. I would like to share that, since it's a perfect cheap ass beauty trend most off us can embrace. Asian, Black, light blonde or ginger- embrace yourself the way you are. According to the beauty trend. I personally would like to see them to ditch the skinny trend, but I don't see them doing that soon. But it's harassment. I feel offended by it. And I can't really help being fat. 

I would like to end my blog here. Not out off being offended, but because it's much to think about for my readers. We are probably going to see and hear from all off this in the future.  

Allright, that's about to be it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  




Good morning at the 17th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's cloudy and it's forecasted to go to rain all day. 


This Pentecost weekend, I will go to my parental home and spend the weekend with mom. I think I'm going to love it, since I haven't been there for a while. 

My lying about the banana cake worked, yesterday people loved it, and care takers fell for the lie. It's not my habit to lie, so I said I'm not about to bake for a while for them, and I gave up the prices as a reason. Actually that's true, since it's a god's grant from me to bake for them these days with these murdurous prices, but actually I think they take it way too strict with the rules for my baking these days. And they're not very nice in my opinion, so it's done for now. I think I'm not going to regret this for a while. 

I'm not completely done baking, I will prepare my own birthday cake this year, but that's for something private and care takers have nothing to do with that. But it will be for August, and it's a while away. And I will prepare my own birthday treats for them. But it won't be tomorrow for that to take place. So I think I get away with it. 

It feels wrong to have lied, but it's been the only reason for the cake to have been allowed. Otherwise we could forget about it. But my concious is playing up for it. Usually I believe in honesty, but this just had to go this way. I just hope they don't read my weblog. 

And I signed up an old wooden coat rack for bulky waste this morning. It's been wasting around in my bedroom for a while. It's about time for it to be thrown out. I filled in the web form at the government website, and it will be done at the 7th off June.  

Beside to all off this, I finished collecting the cooking bible series: 

I got all 33 books complete for now, due to vacation money from Leviaan. I think I can be proud off myself for to have collected all off these. Though it wasn't easy and it had to be delayed this year due to money. But I'm fullfilling this. (These are very good cookbooks with a certain kind off status in the Netherlands. And they're quite expensive.) It's kinda something to have the entire series complete at this point. But I think I can be proud at myself for it. Everyone their own hobby, and I don't smoke, drink expensive booze or have kids. So I can afford this. Each to their own. And this is what I like. 

Collecting cookbooks is cool. This is the only series I collect at this moment. All the others I have ditched due to the crisis, but I started this before the crisis, so I want to finish it, despite everything. Everyone needs something they're a bit nuts over in their life. I got this and Nordic Ware. Other than that I don't have hobbies or strange collections. And I don't go out or to fun places most off the time. Life would be too dry without these. I can't wait to make use off these. And prepare perfect dishes. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 




woensdag 15 mei 2024

Good evening at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Tonight it's raining cats and dogs in the Netherlands. 


Something about me... 

Since this is de Zaanstreek, and women are ratchet and poor factory worker women, make-up here means just mascara and lipstick if you can afford. I learned to adapt to it. It's not much at all, but they think it's much. It's the current trend in real life. Little amounts off make-up. But why do we talk make-up? 

Maybe those decadent fantasy event dinosaurs still plaster their pimples with too much make-up. I think something went a bit crooked for me arount the time that began. Make-up is not the key to real beauty. At least to me it isn't. I'm content with natural and groomed to basic tidy on a very low level. I love Zaanstad for having that perfectly normal for most. Most women here don't wear make-up. Down to earth as they are, it often shows a pure heart and I found that sooo beautifull. And I have this Buddhistic proverb: 'No amount off make-up can mask an ugly heart.' My make-up on a daily base went off after school, it felt like a relief and I don't like the feeling off foundation anyway. I think people project a lot off negativity on me when they blame me for that massive make-up trend in the Fantasy world. (Sincerely, they NEVER see me or talk to me.) I have a diffrent opinion on most things than they assume. It's more close to true Pagan most off the time. At least what it was in my youth. 

This is how I go by in daily life. I know I got fashion hair, shoulder length 90's cut that's totally 'It' nowadays, and dyed a cool blonde shade. But I wear comfortable glasses and no make-up. For my hair I have the luck Leviaan has a hairdresser who can cut people like this for 7,50 euro's only. It's such statement hair. 

I dyed this evening, so it looks freshly cool blonde. And I try, yes, I try to pluck my eyebrows. But I can't promise since it's a mental patient thing to be a bit ungroomed. (I prefer them naturally plucked to just tidy) But this is me. It's the first picture on here I show off myself. Taken tonight after dying. Just the way I am. I have the luck I get away with everything nowadays. The eyebrows, the easy statement hair, no make-up- The plain clothes I have been wearing a lot, it's all crisis-fashion. This picture shows my plain white Pyjama shirt. And I'm wearing it with tartaned red Christmas pyjama pants which are three years old. I look shabby and vulgair, but that's these days and it's cheap. But I got away with it due to it being crisis-fashion. Mind my glasses, they're from 2020 and they're about 4 years old. As far as that goes, the audience better be glad I got cut, dyed and brushed my teeth and take it or leave it. This is just me these days. And I still love myself and accept myself for all that I am, and for who I am. I'm not a bad person due to crisis fashion. 

It's not a miracle for me not to have a man, though. I can think off prettier styles. But I want this style these years. Men are not my main concern these days. Really, aside from being as poor as the streetbricks, we also look as cheap as the streetbricks during this era. But I can't think off myself as bad with it. 

And from the point where I came from, depression over my looks and being ungroomed, this is an improvement. Sad as it may sound. But as long as I maintain. If I don't maintain, it's useless. I think this weblog is getting a bit boring at this point, so I end it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     




Good afternoon at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cloudy and off nice temperature in the Netherlands. Around 19 degrees celsius, not too hot not too cold for my liking. 


I have visions about either 2028 or 2026 for the end off the Ukraine war, it's unclear again. It's either one off these years. It's not in the very short term, but this war and situation will not be endless. I have seen the crisis last untill 2032. Companies, people and countries might take a while to recover from these years. It's a trauma for a lifetime, and somehow I see for now it's unclear wheter we are going to fight in Ukraine as a NATO or not. It's not preferable for this war to last untill Saturn and Neptune have transited to Aries, but like I said, somehow I believe this war can't be pinpointed to planetairy transits. 

I may sound a bit vague to you. I see a lot off scenario's for a world at peace after 2026, while I also got 2028 clear in my mind. It's vague. Maybe there will be an agreement in 2026, which might be violated later on. I don't know for sure. But then it will end in 2028. It's theories, it's not clear visions that tell me. 

I don't want to sound vague. The world is full with charlatans. But I can't be more clear than this. We have to grid our teeth for some time these years. I hope you can take it. 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading.    

Good morning at the 15th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's about getting day, I haven't seen the weather yet. 


I have an issue with my statement cake. I prepared it quite traditionally, while de Boed wishes to see a more healthy version, all off a sudden. Usually they don't mind, but nowadays they changed the rules and I'm supposed to bake something more healthy. They haven't found out yet, I promised to prepare it very healthy. But it came down to the original banana cake receipe, which requires, hmm, quite some light brown sugar. I could lie about it and tell I used dates, as promised. 

I think it's so ungratefull for them to refuse my baking at this point. It would enhance moods, and make everyone feel waaaaay less cranky on Thursday when they got served this. de Boed's ambience is really below freezing point at this moment. We had an annoying interrim manager who made a few very harsh decisions which where against almost all off our feelings and personal ideas off how it should be. He also hired some bitchy staff who plays the rules quite strict. It's against all off our feelings and most off us are offended and overruled by how it goes now. The clients are not happy with how he has done it. 

Banana cake could save the day tomorrow. For a while. But there's something more chroncally wrong at de Boed. And I think they should not be too strict on it. (My banana cake.) In my banana cake belongs sugar, just like there's pigs meat in some sausages. It can't do without, it's just how I'm used to baking it, and how it's made for now. Really, those tuts at de Boed are to shoot at for being this annoying with their new rules. Often I try to avoid more. I don't know if how they do it good for my mental health, or anyone else's mental health. It's below freezing point, and I know most are very annoyed by it. I believe we can use some good ol' banana cake to make us feel a bit better. And my banana cake isn't that unhealthy, it has mashed bananas instead off butter, and contains coconut, walnuts and cookiespices.  It's how it's always done, and I spend a lot off money on it for them. They'd better be gratefull I still stick my head out for them at all. Given how it's been going. I got fed up with de Boed, to be honest. And to throw my artwork away is beyond a certain line. I hate how it's going, and it works to my frustration and anger either how they have done it. But to listen? Uhuh, no. They weren't open for our comments on it. It's a downright scandal and it has been too harsh. 

I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with my banana cake. I posted it all over Social Media so everyone could see it. Not a statement against de Boed, but showing off my cake. I know staff will be hated on even more when they reject my cake, and it's not good for how we feel with them. I think I better lie a bit about it and see how that works out, but for my consious, I better keep it at that banana cake and quit baking for a while if their rules are that annoyingly strict, and their service is to cry over so bad these days. It would feel better. I think they don't deserve me baking for them if they play it like this. It's a dictator hole at the moment, and the clients are victims to it. It's terribly off, and I wish they never hired that stupid ass interrim manager. And most agree with that. It's a situation that causes me stress and a nasty feeling. It's an ambience from a prison or the army at the moment. It's what they call health care in here at this moment. It's a shame. They should take WAY more count off our feelings. But usually they work out strict, annoying rules we feel unconfortable and hurt with. I decided to avoid de Boed more. I can't solve it. But for now I just hope they accept the banana cake and don't whine about it. It's so downright ungratefull for that nasty hellhole to reject it. Poisonous clouds off upmoving venom come out off that place. It's too much for a statement cake. But I baked one. So what to do now? 

I wish for a finished serving plate, and gratefull eaters and a gratefull walnut donatress like usuall. (I got the walnuts for this one donated.) And I think I will quit baking for a long time after this. It's simply too much. The prices, the ambience, the annoying staff, the pernickle interrim manager, annoying fellow clients, and so on. It's not worthit anymore for me. I just hope something will break through today and I can share that cake, for the last time for a long time. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Good evening at the 14th off May, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and warm in the Netherlands. 


Today was for Statement Baking. My beloved and famous receipe for Banana cake, prepared in the Heritage Bundt mold by Nordic Ware, the ordinairy size: 

It came out perfect tonight. It will be handed to de Boed on Thursday for music afternoon. I'm so proud I came round with the groceries for this. It's been a massive amount, but I could do it. Just perfect how it turned out! It's ment as a statement for peace, against war in Ukraine. I think the Nordic Ware Heritage Bundt is perfect for that statement. It's just dusted with icing sugar. 

And I found The Very Best off The Dubliners for less than 8 euro's. It's perfect music for tonight. My home is filled with cheer. Irish pub folk, the best off the best, and it's perfect for tonight. It's sooo good, it's almost too good. I can't help but thinking that. 

Perfect Banana cake, and perfect music. I don't know, somehow, somewhere, the life off an old spinster is still good. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good morning at the 14th off May, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's bright this morning. 


This morning, my period broke through πŸ’– The cure let itself wait to work, but finally I bleed and it's a relief. I don't know if there are any bible or other religious dwellers on here who say I should await it by nature, that I'm disrupting with god, but it's a blessing to me it comes with pills. πŸ’– It's perfect. 

I have to go to the dentist this morning, I expect no trouble. I brush regulairly (Morning and evening) and I have no pain. I have this bulk load off A-brand toothpaste and toothbrushes in the storage room. I can do with it for a while, so even during this crisis, my teeth are brushed. 

And I clipped and filed my nails tidy. Most people wear no polish nowadays, but I think to keep your nails neat is a good thing. So just short clipped and filed. I think that's how most people (Male and female) do it during this crisis. It's no time for expensive manicures like we saw before on most women. But tidy? Yes, sir! I can do it. 

This afternoon will be for my first coffee serving shift. I will replace a sick woman who can't do it this afternoon. It's a bit trying and seeing how it works with me again. It's a bit getting used to it after such a long time off not doing it.  

I'm a bit fed up with my 'British Home Maker during WWII' idea. It's a bit hard for me to keep the home tidy at the moment. I think it's my mental issues and my period being in the way. And baking? Not as regulair anymore as usuall. We got to do with what we have at the  moment. And sometimes it isn't more than this. It's all I've got. But it's no big issue. I can still live and I have a home. That's most important. I think the issues with it being clean will be solved later on. But for now it's just surviving my mental state off being. I'm no saint. I haven't studied for angel. I'm just human so it seems, I got to do with what I got at the moment. I'm lucky I don't shoot myself too much for it. Tidy again is off later concern. I'm lucky not to have a man who can get annoyed by it. It's just me who has to deal with it. 

I'm here in the living room with a pot off tea in front off me. During my periods, I always crave green tea. It's the best we can drink in my opinion. I'm lucky to still have it. It's so healthy! 

This is most news for this morning, I'm about to remove my bedsheets and put them in the laundry, and a care taker will make it this afternoon. So my bed will be fresh and clean this morning. And the old sheets will be washed. πŸ’– That's the biggest luxury off today. A clean bed. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading